ENG 102 Topic 4 Evaluation Comprehensive Graded Exam Frankenstein

20 question




7.50 points out of 7.50


Answer 2


Answer 3



7.50 points out of 7.50


Robert Walton

Answer 2

The Creature

Answer 3

Elizabeth Lavenza

Answer 4

Justine Moritz

Answer 5



0.00 points out of 7.50

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Both Frankenstein and Prometheus physically suffered for their deeds.

Select one:





7.50 points out of 7.50

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Many of the events in this section take place outdoors in the wilderness or in rustic settings.  What could this kind of setting symbolize?

Select one:

[removed]a. Nothing: things had to happen somewhere.

[removed]b. This setting was just a chance for Shelley to practice her descriptive writing by describing nature.

[removed]c. This setting shows man’s dominance over nature because Frankenstein immediately develops plans for building and taming the area.

[removed]d. This setting shows an innocent, uncorrupted area, a lot like the creature was at first.



7.50 points out of 7.50

[removed]Flag question

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Which of the following best describes the Frankenstein family?

Select one:

[removed]a. They were wealthy and aloof, setting themselves above the common man.

[removed]b. They were wealthy but generous, helping those less fortunate.

[removed]c. They were a cold, unfeeling family.

[removed]d. Victor never knew his real family.  The Frankensteins took him in as a young boy.



0.00 points out of 7.50

[removed]Flag question

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Which character is most like Prometheus in the myth?

Select one:

[removed]a. Henry Clerval

[removed]b. The creature

[removed]c. Victor Frankenstein

[removed]d. Robert Walton



7.50 points out of 7.50

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The term “irony” means “an outcome or act opposite or other than what should be expected in a situation.”

Irony is often associated with sarcasm and wit, such as asking the fan of a band how she liked a concert, and the reply being, “Oh, it was horrible.  I loved it!”

Situational irony is often used by authors to point out things in life that are problematic.

Consider the paragraph where Felix is teaching Safie English from Volney’s Ruins of the Empires.  What is an ironic point in this paragraph?

Select one:

[removed]a. Felix states he chose the book because the style is “framed in imitation of eastern authors,” to help Safie who is of Eastern descent, yet it talks about “slothful Asiatics.”

[removed]b. Both the creature and Safie wept over “the hapless fate of [the American hemisphere’s] original inhabitants.”

[removed]c. The book is fiction, yet it gives “insight into manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of earth.”

[removed]d. The creature would not have “understood the purport of this book” without Felix giving “very minute explanations.”



0.00 points out of 7.50

[removed]Flag question

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Who is telling the story?

Select one:

[removed]a. Walton is retelling a story he heard from Frankenstein.

[removed]b. Walton is telling it by the fire as a ghost story to amuse his sister.

[removed]c. Frankenstein is writing this story as a memoir.

[removed]d. Shelley is telling the story; the narrator is the same as the author.



7.50 points out of 7.50

[removed]Flag question

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Henry Clerval insists on joining Frankenstein on his travels.  Why does Shelley include him?

Select one:

[removed]a. He provides comic relief.

[removed]b. He is a link to Frankenstein’s past life, a symbol of what he left behind.

[removed]c. For the irony of including Frankenstein’s rival and enemy.

[removed]d. To make the setting more believable.



7.50 points out of 7.50

[removed]Flag question

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Walton finds a northern trade route to the Americas.

Select one:





7.50 points out of 7.50

[removed]Flag question

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Felix and De Lacey formally tutored the creature.

Select one:



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