1.      American “jingoism” was a response to the

[removed] perceived inferiority of nonwhite peoples.
[removed] demand for Christian missionaries in China.
[removed] late nineteenth-century masculinity crisis.
[removed] lengthy campaign for women’s suffrage.

4 points   


1.      Despite their differences, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both believed that

[removed] participation in a war was key to the development of true masculinity.
[removed] nations should work collectively to preserve international peace and stability.
[removed] the United States had the right to intervene in the affairs of other nations.
[removed] it was imperative for the United States to gain access to the China market.

4 points   


1.      During World War I, the song “Over There” and the films produced by the Committee on Public Information both conveyed the message that

[removed] there would be no tolerance of sedition during wartime.
[removed] German Americans were dangerous and had to be watched.
[removed] the U.S. military was essential to the Allies’ victory.
[removed] the Central Powers would be defeated easily.

4 points   


1.      During his last eighteen months in office, Woodrow Wilson

[removed] worked tirelessly to rally public support for the Versailles treaty.
[removed] convinced Congress to support his vision of the League of Nations.
[removed] was convinced that Congress should retain the right to declare war.
[removed] largely withdrew from active participation in political debates.

4 points   


1.      How many American men were drafted to fight in the Great War before its end?

[removed] 500,000
[removed] 1 million
[removed] 2 million
[removed] 3 million

4 points   


1.      In order to conserve fuel for the war effort, the Wilson administration established

[removed] the eight-hour workday.
[removed] meatless Tuesdays.
[removed] school gardens.
[removed] daylight savings time.

4 points   


1.      In which of the following ways did home-front mobilization transform women’s lives during World War I?

[removed] Women entered the paid workforce in unprecedented numbers.
[removed] Working women began to earn salaries equal to those of men.
[removed] Women were freed of the responsibility for housework and childcare.
[removed] Women were encouraged to join the armed forces alongside men.

4 points   


1.      President McKinley’s imperialist agenda was signaled by his declaration of war on Spain and

[removed] support for the Teller Amendment.
[removed] support of Philippine independence.
[removed] rejection of Mahan’s theories.
[removed] annexation of the Hawaiian islands.

4 points   


1.      President Wilson’s inability to remain neutral in the conflict between the Allies and the Central Powers was the result of

[removed] America’s fear of Britain’s superior military strength.
[removed] anti-German sentiment among ordinary Americans.
[removed] America’s economic dependence on the Allies.
[removed] pressure from the American banking sector.

4 points   


1.      President William McKinley came to favor U.S. intervention in the Spanish-Cuban war when he

[removed] was convinced Spain would lose to Cuba.
[removed] was called “weak” by the Spanish ambassador.
[removed] read that the Spanish had blown up the Maine.
[removed] learned of Spanish brutality toward Cubans.

4 points   


1.      The American conviction that native Cubans and Filipinos were not ready for self-governance after their liberation from Spain reflected the belief that

[removed] their lands would otherwise be vulnerable to conquest by other European nations.
[removed] the involvement of the United States would guarantee the establishment of democracy.
[removed] nonwhite peoples were inferior and needed to be educated and protected by whites.
[removed] an independent Cuba and Philippines were a threat to American security.

4 points   


1.      The Naval Act of 1890 can be interpreted as a fulfillment of the vision of

[removed] Josiah Strong.
[removed] John Fiske.
[removed] Rudyard Kipling.
[removed] Alfred Thayer Mahan.

4 points   


1.      The Roosevelt Corollary guided President Taft’s policies in

[removed] China.
[removed] Russia.
[removed] Nicaragua.
[removed] Japan.

4 points   


1.      The United States was motivated to begin pursuing an imperialist agenda at the end of the nineteenth century because the country

[removed] needed more land for its growing population.
[removed] needed a new source of raw materials to supply its industries.
[removed] was producing more manufactured goods than its population could use.
[removed] wanted to undermine revolutionary movements in countries like Cuba.

4 points   


1.      The belief embraced by American men at the turn of the twentieth century that “civilizing” nonwhite peoples was an expression of manly honor was inspired by

[removed] Josiah Strong.
[removed] John D. Rockefeller.
[removed] John Sharp Williams.
[removed] Rudyard Kipling.

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