Effectiveness of Guidelines on Myocardial Self-Care

Abstract: Heart disease is first of the largest killer diseases in the world. According world health organization estimated 17 million people worldwide coronary vascular disease. In developing country the cost of bypass surgery and angioplasty is very high. every person cannot affordable for taking treatment. this study helps to patient about self care precaution and awareness of disease and its minimizes the further complication. This study helps to myocardial infarction patient to improve their health. This study is a experimental study. The population of this study consists of medical college attached government hospitals in Gujarat state. This stydy include the 35 samples in male and female. A structured questioner tool is prepared for assessing the knowledge including six component (self care, modifications, exercise, pulse monitoring, diet, stress reduction technique) and check list, ratings scale prepared for assessing the performance of their activities(pulse monitoring, muscle starching exercise, stress reduction technique) the finding is indicated that health guideline is very effective for the MI patient to improving their health and healthy life style.

Key words:

Effectiveness, Health guideline, Myocardial infarction, Performance rating scale observational check list.


The widely accepted definition of “WHO” in 1948 in preamble to its constitution which is follows “Health” is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of any disease or infirmity”. So according to W.H. O. health cannot be defined as a ‘state’ but it must been as a process of continue adjustment to the changing meaning which we give to life. This is a dynamic concept.

Heart disease is first of the largest killer disease in the world. Cardiovascular disease are major contributors to the global burden of chronic disease with 29.3% of global deaths and 9.9% of total disease burden, in terms of disability- adjusted life years lost, being reported in 2003. Low and middle income countries accounted for 78% and 86% of the CVD deaths and daily lost, respectively, worldwide in 1998.

In India CVD is projected to be the largest cause of death and disability by 2020 with 2.6 million Indians predicted to die due to coronary heart disease, each consist 54.1% of all CVD deaths.

In resent year education has come to be considered as an integral component of health care. The modern philosophy of health care in every society take in to consideration the physical, special for diet, psychological and socio cultural environment and other thing in that stress management using many technique like mediation, relaxation etc. MI is a chronic life long illness.

The basic component of self care applies to all cardiac patients but the care must be designed to fit each person individual needs and habits.

In order to meet learning needs of the patients, prepare health guideline on self care activities for the promotion of the health, prevention of further risk or complication, early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. It aims at the modification of life style – change in diet, regular exercise, avoid smoking and avoid alcohol and stress management for preventing health crisis.

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