Eradicating Diseases in Africa, One Toilet at a Time

 Discussion Board Assignment Details

You can compare a developed country with one still developing by asking, “What is it like to live there as compared to here?” This can be based on actual experience if you lived in or visited both kinds of countries, or you might form your opinion by reading about conditions in different types of countries or watching a video, such as the following:

  • Eradicating Diseases in Africa, One Toilet at a Time (Malawi)

Organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund measure these differences among countries. They compare such parameters as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), education, literacy rate, health care, and life expectancy to distinguish between developed and developing countries. Standards of living, level of industrialization, and quality and range of infrastructure are also taken into consideration. Even male/female gender inequality is measured by the UN in its Human Development Index. Using these parameters and the Demographic Transition Model, developed countries are classified as being in Phase 4, and developing countries are in Phases 2 and 3.

Using what you have learned about living conditions and the demographic transition model, respond to both of the following questions:

  • From the list below, pick 1 living condition:
    • Access to clean water
    • Education
    • Adequate housing
    • Health care
    • Sanitation
    • Life expectancy
    • Levels of industrialization
  • For the living condition you selected, compare a developed country, such as the United States, to a developing country of your choice.
  • Provide 1 example of how developed and developing countries use natural resources and the subsequent impacts on environmental quality.

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