Anticipating and Managing Conflict to Reduce Risks from Occurring.

Dis 1. Identify two conflicts (i.e., interpersonal conflict [between individuals], intra-organizational conflict [within groups], or inter-organizational conflict [between organizations]) that you currently experience or potential work-related conflicts in the work environment. Based upon the results below, analyze how you can anticipate and manage conflict to reduce risks from occurring.


Anticipating and Managing Conflict to Reduce Risks from Occurring.



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Anticipating and Managing Conflict to Reduce Risks from Occurring.

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind is a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi. Conflict is inevitable and occurs in every aspect of our lives, whether it be between individuals, groups, or nations. According to Walleensteen (2018), conflict arises from differences in opinions, values, and interests. It can manifest in various forms, such as verbal or physical confrontations, power struggles, or even full-blown wars. Walleensteen (2018) also stated that while it can be destructive, it can lead to personal and societal growth if approached in a constructive and solution-focused manner. Individuals, groups, and nations must learn how to manage and resolve conflicts peacefully. This paper discusses interpersonal and intra-organizational conflict and how one can anticipate and manage conflict to reduce risks from occurring.

Interpersonal Conflict

Interpersonal conflict is a conflict between two or more individuals. According to Wilmot et al. (2017) one of the most common causes of interpersonal conflict is a communication breakdown. When individuals do not clearly express their thoughts, feelings, or needs, misunderstandings can arise, leading to conflicts. Conflicts can also occur when individuals have different expectations for a relationship or situation or compete for the same resources, such as time, money, or attention. Interpersonal conflict can be destructive if not properly managed, leading to negative feelings, damaged relationships, and even physical harm. However, if approached in a constructive and solution-focused manner, interpersonal conflict can lead to personal growth and improved relationships. Walleesteen (2018) also stated that active listening is one effective way to manage and resolve interpersonal conflict. This involves listening attentively to the other person’s perspective and attempting to understand their point of view. Additionally, it also involves being able to express your own thoughts, feelings and needs clearly. Thus, if approached in a constructive and solution-focused manner, interpersonal conflict can lead to personal growth and improved relationships.

Intra-organizational Conflict

Intra-organizational conflict, also known as workplace conflict, is a common and inevitable part of any organization. According to Kay (2020), intra-organizational conflict “arises from differences in opinions, values, and interests between individuals or groups within the organization” (p.1). This type of conflict can manifest in various forms, such as verbal or physical confrontations, power struggles, or even passive-aggressive behaviour. While it can be destructive, intra-organizational conflict can also lead to positive changes and improved relationships if approached in a constructive and solution-focused manner. One of the primary causes of intra-organizational conflict is communication breakdown. When individuals or groups within the organization fail to express their thoughts and feelings clearly, misunderstandings can lead to conflict. Personal differences, such as personality clashes or conflicting goals, can also be a source of intra-organizational conflict. Kay (2020) also claimed that intra-organizational conflict could have many negative consequences, such as damage to relationships, negative feelings, and even physical harm. It can also lead to a loss of productivity and morale in the workplace. Furthermore, it can lead to high turnover rates and difficulties retaining employees. However, intra-organizational conflict can lead to positive changes and improved relationships if approached constructively. According to Pitafi et al. (2020), to effectively manage intra-organizational conflict, the organization needs to establish a culture of open communication and collaboration. This can be achieved by encouraging individuals and groups to express their thoughts and feelings constructively and promoting an environment of trust and mutual respect. Additionally, it is essential for the organization to have a clear set of guidelines and protocols in place for managing and resolving conflicts. Thus, intra-organizational conflict is a common and inevitable part of any organization.

Analyzing How One Can Anticipate and Manage Conflict to Reduce Risks from Occurring.

Effective Communication

Effective communication can enable one to anticipate and manage conflict to reduce risks from occurring. One of the primary causes of conflict is communication breakdown. According to Wallensteen (2018), by developing effective communication skills such as active listening, expressing thoughts and feelings clearly, and understanding the perspective of others, individuals can anticipate and manage conflicts before they escalate. When people can express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns clearly and respectfully, it allows for the exchange of ideas and the possibility of finding common ground. This leads to a greater understanding of the situation and can ultimately lead to a satisfactory resolution for all parties involved. Effective communication plays an essential role in avoiding, managing and resolving conflicts. It is a crucial skill for people to develop to be able to navigate the complexities of life. Without it, conflicts can escalate quickly and cause damage to relationships, reputation, and productivity. Thus, through effective communication, one can anticipate and manage conflict to reduce risks from occurring.

Conflict Resolution Training

Conflict resolution training is a valuable tool for anticipating and managing conflict to reduce risks from occurring. According to Malizia et al. (2018), conflict resolution training is a process of learning and applying the skills and techniques needed to manage and resolve conflicts constructively and peacefully. By providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge, conflict resolution training can lead to a reduction in the frequency and severity of conflicts, as well as an increase in overall satisfaction and productivity. Malizia et al. (2018) also stated that conflict resolution training typically includes instruction on various topics, such as active listening, assertive communication, and problem-solving. Active listening is an essential skill for resolving conflicts, as it allows individuals to fully understand the other person’s perspective and respond in a way that addresses their concerns. Thus, conflict resolution training can help anticipate and manage conflict to reduce risks from occurring.

Establishing Clear Policies and Procedures for Dealing with Conflicts

Establishing clear policies and procedures for dealing with conflicts is essential for individuals and organizations to anticipate and manage conflicts before they escalate. According to Singer (2018), These policies and procedures provide a framework for addressing and resolving conflicts promptly and effectively. Singer (2018) also claimed that one of the key benefits of having clear policies and procedures is that it helps individuals anticipate potential conflicts. By understanding the potential causes of conflicts, individuals can take proactive steps to prevent them from occurring in the first place. For example, suppose a policy states that all employees must communicate clearly and respectfully with one another. In that case, individuals will be more likely to avoid conflicts that stem from misunderstandings or miscommunication. Clear policies and procedures can also help individuals manage conflicts more effectively. Individuals can focus on finding a solution by providing a step-by-step process for resolving conflicts. Thus, establishing clear policies and procedures for dealing with conflicts is essential for anticipating and managing conflict to reduce risks from occurring.


In conclusion, conflict is an inevitable part of human nature that can manifest in various forms. Conflict can lead to personal growth and improved relationships if approached in a constructive and solution-focused manner. Interpersonal conflict is a natural and inevitable part of human interaction. It arises from differences in opinions, values, and interests and can manifest in various forms, such as verbal or physical confrontations, power struggles, or even passive-aggressive behaviour. Intra-organizational conflict is a common and inevitable part of any organization. While it can be destructive, it can also lead to positive changes and improved relationships if approached in a constructive and solution-focused manner. By establishing a culture of open communication and collaboration, having clear guidelines and protocols, and identifying the root cause of the conflict, organizations can effectively manage and resolve intra-organizational conflicts. Anticipating and managing conflict is essential in reducing its risks and minimizing its negative effects. Individuals can effectively anticipate and manage conflicts by developing effective communication skills, providing conflict resolution training, and establishing clear policies and procedures for dealing with conflicts. It’s essential to keep in mind that the ultimate goal of managing conflict is to create a win-win situation for all parties involved, where everyone’s needs are met and a mutually beneficial agreement is reached.



Kay, A. A., & Skarlicki, D. P. (2020). Cultivating a conflict-positive workplace: How mindfulness facilitates constructive conflict management. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 159, 8-20.

Malizia, D. A., & Jameson, J. K. (2018). Hidden in plain view: The impact of mediation on the mediator and implications for conflict resolution education. Conflict resolution quarterly, 35(3), 301-318.

Pitafi, A. H., Khan, A. N., Khan, N. A., & Ren, M. (2020). Using enterprise social media to investigate the effect of workplace conflict on employee creativity. Telematics and Informatics, 55, 101451.

Singer, L. R. (2018). Settling disputes: Conflict resolution in business, families, and the legal system. Routledge.

Wallensteen, P. (2018). Understanding conflict resolution. Sage.

Wilmot, W., & Hocker, J. L. (2017). Interpersonal conflict (p. 384). McGraw-Hill Education.


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