CWV POWERPOINT (Origins Reflection)

Origins Reflection

Student Name




You can format these slides however you like as long as they include the required content. You may use any colors or images for the slide backgrounds and fonts as long as they are readable for a group presentation.

The first slide should be a title slide. Include the same information that you would include in the heading on a paper – your name, the date, the course, and the instructor’s name.

Delete these instructions on each slide and replace them with detailed notes, showing what you would say if you were giving the presentation to a live audience.


Creation Account From Genesis 1-2

Main Points

This first section (approximately four slides) is worth 25% of the grade.

Put the main points on the slides, then elaborate on your content in the slide notes here at the bottom of the slides. In-text citations should be placed on the slides (not in the notes) so the audience could see them if you were giving a live presentation. Use the Bible and scholarly sources.

Include citations when appropriate.

Delete all these instructions and add in your own notes.


Main Points

Creation Account From Genesis 1-2

First section continued


Main Points

Creation Account From Genesis 1-2

First section continued


Main Points

Creation Account From Genesis 1-2

First section continued


Personal Beliefs About the Origins of the Universe

Main Points

This second section (approximately four slides) is worth 25% of the grade.

Put the main points on the slides, then elaborate on your content in the slide notes here at the bottom of the slides. In-text citations should be placed on the slides (not in the notes) so the audience could see them if you were giving a live presentation. Use the Bible and scholarly sources.

Include citations when appropriate.

Delete all these instructions and add in your own notes.


Personal Beliefs About the Origins of the Universe

Main Points

Second section continued


Personal Beliefs About the Origins of the Universe

Main Points

Second section continued


Personal Beliefs About the Origins of the Universe

Main Points

Second section continued


How My Beliefs About Origins Impact My Worldview

Main Points

This third section (approximately five slides) is worth 30% of the grade and should show how your beliefs about the origin of the universe impact your worldview. Write in first person singular and clearly communicate your own beliefs using the Bible and/or other scholarly sources as necessary.

Put the main points on the slides, then elaborate on your content in the slide notes here at the bottom of the slides. In-text citations should be placed on the slides (not in the notes) so the audience could see them if you were giving a live presentation. Use the Bible and scholarly sources.

Include citations when appropriate.

Delete all these instructions and add in your own notes.


How My Beliefs About Origins Impact My Worldview

Main Points

Third section continued


How My Beliefs About Origins Impact My Worldview

Main Points

Third section continued


How My Beliefs About Origins Impact My Worldview

Main Points

Third section continued


How My Beliefs About Origins Impact My Worldview

Main Points

Third section continued



List two to four references. Prepare these references according to the guidelines found in the Student Success Center. Include the permalink for the GCU Library sources used.

The last slide (#15) should be a reference slide. Format the references the same as you would format them for a paper. Here are samples of references for you. Be sure that you only use scholarly sources for your presentation.

All sources used for both content and images should be cited with in-text citations and a reference.

The only exception is the Bible. Content from the Bible should be documented with in-text citations (John 3:16 ESV), but not included on the reference slide.

Delete the reference statement and add your references.


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