Creative paper about Lewis and Clark; Creating a video game

The Game with No Name

A friend of yours would like to capture the adventures of Lewis and Clark in a video game, but she needs your help. She wants the game to be awarded Top 10 Kudos like Super Mario, Rock Band, and SimCity. Read all the directions first and follow them carefully to get this new expedition rolling.

(12 points)


1. Evaluate each of the following websites and choose the three that provide the best explanation and description of the expedition. Explain each of your choices.

· Lewis and Clark

· Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation

· The Lewis and Clark Journey Log

· Lewis and Clark The National Bicentennial Exhibition


(9 points)


2. Write a two or three sentence description for each website you selected in Question 1. Be sure to highlight its most informative features.


Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation

This site keeps the Lewis and Clark Expedition alive in the modern world. At the same time, it also gives comprehensive background about the exploration, including FAQs, a history of the expedition, and a roster and genealogy chart of participants. It could be especially important in developing game characters.


(6 points)


3. Now suggest three possible game names that are both exciting and descriptive.


(8 points)


4. Here are some other websites your friend could check in order to get additional information about the expedition. Which two would you recommend first and why?

· List of Supplies for the Expedition

· Circa 1803 – Historical Background of the Times

· Sacagawea


(15 points)


5. What five characters should be included in the game and why? You should name and describe each character and his or her role. You must include at least one Native American and one woman in your list.


(10 points)


6. Use all of your information to provide a list of 10 possible elements she should include in the game in order to make it as informative and exciting as possible. Explain your choices and be sure they relate clearly to the Lewis and Clark expedition.

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