Creating a Republican Culture, 1790-1820

Question History: Creating a Repulican  Culture, 1790-1820

small paragraph 5-9 sentences except last question 10-15 sentences.

1. How important were the regional differences in the social aspects of republicanism, given the national scope of other republican-inspired developments such as state mercantilism and religious revivalism?

2. Trace the relationship between America’s republican culture and the surge of evangelism called the Second Great Awakening. In what ways are the goals of the two movements similar? How are they different?

3.In what ways did women’s private and public lives change during the years between 1790 and 1820, and what were the motive forces behind those changes?

4.THEMATIC UNDERSTANDING Review the events listed under “Work, Exchange, and Technology,” “Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture,” and “Identity” on the thematic timeline. How did the emerging economic and social order of early-nineteenth-century America represent an advance upon, or a retreat from, the republican ideology articulated during the decades of the independence struggle?

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5.ACROSS TIME AND PLACE The text argues that a distinct American identity had begun to emerge by 1820. How would you describe this identity, and how did it differ from the sense of identity in the American mainland colonies in 1750 (Chapter 4)? What forces might account for the changes?

6.VISUAL EVIDENCE The painting of “Republican Families … and Servants” addresses many of the themes of this chapter. What are those themes, and what position does the artist take in presenting them? ( support image

7. KEY TURNING POINTS: The timeline mentions books by four authors (Crèvecoeur, Webster, Rush, and Wollstonecraft) and two other entries relating to education. Based on the materials in Chapter 8, what might account for this blossoming of American literary and educational life?



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