Construction & Culture Instructor, Thais Alves

Checklist for individual book report

Please note that this is a checklist to help you finalize your report according to the guidelines provided in the prompt. Follow the instructions in the prompt and use this to avoid the most common mistakes that I observed in previous report submissions and by talking to some of you about your reports.


The report is written 1.5 line spacing

The margins of the report are 1” margins

The font size is 12-point Times New Roman

Front matter: There is a front page with the title of the report, name of the report author

Front matter: there is a table of contents AFTER the title page

The report is between 6 full pages and 8 pages long, excluding the back and front matter

All references are indicated in appropriate format within the text where they are used (Pick one format and be consistent throughout the report. Please note the difference between paraphrasing and quoting, these are VERY different, and you should know this by now, you are a college student. Look for resources from your previous writing courses.). Use at least five references, in addition to the book you are writing your report about, to support your arguments and analysis..

Back matter: all references used to produce the report are listed in appropriate referencing format. (Please note that this list includes references used within the text to support your report and the discussion.)

The questions shown in the prompt are NOT included in the report. (Do NOT repeat the questions of the prompt, use titles that are descriptive of the section.)

The pages are numbered.


Headings are used to indicate the sections answering questions 2 through 7 of the prompt.

The answers present the facts from the book you read and your own interpretation and analysis of the book content. (Answers that just repeat the book content, without your own interpretation, are considered not responsive.)

The answers are NOT written as bullet points or single/isolated paragraphs that are not connected. (Answers that just list the contents of each book in paragraphs or bullet points will be considered not responsive to this assignment.)

The report is free of plagiarism and references are used when appropriate.

The document is free of spelling mistakes and written in appropriate language for a technical report.

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