Introduction Pro Concealed Weapons

In modern America, the use of concealed guns has raised different debates against the safety of its population and if the ownership of firearms is ideal. Responsible citizens are a familiar source of support for the use of weapons (Lott, 2013). Some responsible citizens and individuals help and support the protection of the other innocent people. According to the 2nd amendment, US citizens have the right to bear arms. It is essential to consider the rights of US citizens and support the constitution (Spitzer, 2015). Within these right citizens can possess a concealed firearm. The use of concealed weapons can be effectively be used to stop any crime before the arrival of the police. It is also a common way to stand up for injustice and focus on the wellbeing of others (Kleck, 2016). The sensible use of guns can help the police to deter criminal activities. I believe that accountable and law-abiding citizens can assist in preventing crimes if they have concealed weapons.

Opposing Views

The use of concealed weapons in the modern community is a pathway for increased crimes. Not all individuals in society are responsible (ProCon, 2018). It is a risk if all individuals have hidden weapons since this is an incident factor for criminal activities.

According to the 2nd amendment’s right, the right to bear arms has limitations. Citizens may concealed weapons but only for self-protection, and this is to influence, develop, and reduce the use of guns in public (Spitzer, 2015). There is also the need to focus on the safety measures and to protect the value of the society.

The possession of guns is also a way for a criminal to brand weapons in public. Criminals will also take the opportunity to hold and use their firearms when they feel the need. Criminal acts will hinder how the community and society interact effectively.

Believing Questions

The opposing views of the limits to concealed guns, criminal opportunities, and rise in crimes are impressive as they highlight how the use of concealed weapons in the community impacts the safety of those using and not using guns.

What I find interesting, for instance, is the argument that it is not safe to use concealed weapons since this will make me a criminal. That statement would be valid under the condition of using a concealed weapon without the support of the community and police (Spitzer, 2015). The limitations on the 2nd amendment also help to protect against the increase of crimes in a population.


In conclusion, the use of concealed firearms goes against the values of many, and the arguments of those who opposed guns state how they are not essential and ideal to influence a positive protective culture. It is also crucial to focus on the reasons as to why one should have a concealed weapon. Though many reasons go against concealed firearms, there are just as many arguments that support a positive influence in the protective culture. Law abiding and responsible citizens will help those in need when there is a relevant situation.

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