Comparison of Nursing Stress in Public and Private Hospitals


The profession of nursing is considered one of the most stressful professions in the world. Nursing is by nature a stressful occupation. Continuous and long-term stress can result in physical, psychological, and behavioral problems in nurses. Therefore these professionals have been researched time and again. To cope with these problems several coping styles are deployed by the nurse which help them deal with the everyday stressors of their life. It has been found via research that using certain unhealthy coping styles may result in a number of mental health problems (Srinivasan & Samuel, 2014).

Nursing is the kind of job in which professionals have to deal with immense workload which can result in a lot of health problems, both physical and psychological. . not only that, the patients that come to hospitals themselves accompany a host of problems with them such as the stress of being ill, being frightful and apprehensive about their future and often they are very bitter and sometimes even indignant. Nurses have to deal with all of this and have to maintain a sense of composure at the same time. Sometimes the nurses have to perform the role of doctors and deal with the attendants and patients which mean they have to take the insults that were meant for the doctors and wasn’t initially a part of their job requirement. Some patients and attendants can even be physically abusive at times; this can result in even more stress for the nurses. It is often seen that at times the patients are way too demanding and expect more than what their job entails, when those expectations are not met the patients can be aggressive and they tend to show their aggression in a both verbal and physical way. These stressors expose nurses to a host of problems, depression, anxiety and insomnia being a few of them (Srinivasan & Samuel, 2014).

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