Community Resource

Assignment: Community Resource

Assignment Overview In this assignment, you will conduct a discrete and respectful community observation of an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Locate and attend a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in your area. Explain to the meeting leader that you are a nursing student studying community resources. Write a two page summary of your experience describing the clientele (be sure to respect members’ anonymity), meeting, and topics. Apply your nursing knowledge to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of this particular resource.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks: • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this

assignment. • Attend a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in your area

o Introduce yourself to the meeting leader and explain to him/her that you are a nursing student who is studying community resources.

o Conduct your community observation and take notes if necessary. • Write a two-page summary of your experience

o Describe the clientele (respecting members’ anonymity), meeting, and topics. o Apply your nursing knowledge to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of this particular

resource. o Use APA format.

• Include the proper file naming convention: NUR206_wk9_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy.


Criteria Excellent (3pts) Good (2pts) Needs Improvement (1pt)


Content -Includes description of clientele. -Describes meeting. -Evaluates quality and effectiveness using nursing knowledge.

-Includes description of clientele. -Vaguely describes meeting. -Non-specific evaluation.

-Vague description of clientele. -Missing description of meeting. -Does not apply nursing knowledge in evaluation.

Organization -Well organized into separate headings. -Main points are clearly identified. -Paragraphs transition well.

-Somewhat organized. -Main points are clear. -Occasional issues with flow and transitions.

-Disorganized. -Main points are unclear -Difficult to follow or illogical.

Spelling/grammar/ APA

-No spelling or grammar errors. -APA format is correct. -Appropriate length

-Some spelling or grammar errors. -APA format is correct. -Appropriate length.

-Many spelling or grammar errors. -Incorrect APA format. -Inappropriate length.


Total score

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