
  1. Select ONE of the options (A-E) of Ted Talk presentations from the list provided below that interest you. Identify that option in the Title of your paper.
  2. Watch the full Ted Talk you have chosen so that you thoroughly understand it.
  3. Write a 500-750 word paper (typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, College level grammar and spelling) discussing each of the guiding questions and referencing the text chapter/s noted following that option. Please apply concepts and skills from the text readings and class lectures applicable to that topic. Show evidence of self-reflection, critical thinking, and application to relevant personal examples as you respond to each of the guiding questions. Show word count.
  4. Due: Submit in PDF form only on Canvas by Sept. 20, 2020 @ 11:59 pm. No late submissions accepted without using the one-time No Excuse Needed Pass (available on Home page, in Information and Resources). Worth up to 100 Points (See Rubric)

Guiding Questions:

  1. What is the main issue or problem the speaker is focusing on? What is the purpose or importance of the talk?
  2. What is the conclusion(s) being drawn by the speaker?
  3. Who is the intended message for?
  4. What are the main concepts/applicable terms referred to in the talk which relate to the relevant content in the noted text chapter/s for that option?
  5. Discuss the significance of the issue that is the focus of the talk. Why is it important? On what do you base your assertions regarding its significance?
  6. Does the information used appear relevant, significant, valid, and sufficient for the conclusions being drawn? Explain.
  7. What point of view or information is ignored by this speaker, or has not been considered in this talk that you think should have been included?
  8. How does this talk support our study of interpersonal communication?
  • Show word count after the end of question #8 like this: Word Count:   ___

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