Communication Quiz in Test Bank

Ch. 8 Test Bank

1. Which of the following is not a primary skill necessary to do research on the job?

a. Typing at least 60 words per minute
b. Making direct observations, performing tests, making site visits

c. Reading a host of relevant print and online sources

d. Performing surveys and conducting interviews

2. Which of the following is not a difference between school and workplace research?

a. Format/presentation

b. Credit for your work

c. Research methods
d. Audience

3. The difference between primary and secondary research is the:

a. importance of the information.

b. type of information.
c. date the information was gathered.

4. Research based on direct observations, site visits, and tests can easily be done at the last minute without a lot of planning.

a. T

b. F
5. While interviews can be conducted over the phone or via email, face-to-face meetings or Skype conversations are most effective.

a. T
b. F

6. Focus groups consist solely of paid consultants to offer their opinions.

a. T

b. F
7. Survey results can be easily skewed if questions are not precisely posed and respondents carefully selected.

a. T
b. F

8. You can expect to find different information in a corporate library than in an academic one.

a. T
b. F

9. Which of the following may be useful in doing research on the job?

a. Encyclopedias

b. Dictionaries

c. Atlases and almanacs

d. Government documents

e. All of these choices are correct.
10. A Boolean connector is a:

a. device used to connect one computer to another.

b. word used to limit and guide online research.
11. It is important to evaluate websites based on a number of relevant criteria.

a. T
b. F

12. You must always document your sources when quoting and paraphrasing.

a. T
b. F

13. Which of the following does not have to be cited with a reference?

a. A direct quote if it is just a single phrase

b. A visual taken from a source from the Internet

c. Factual historical information and well-known dates
d. An opinion that is not your own if it is not published

14. Which of the following does not have to be included on a reference list?

a. A lecture or speech

b. A podcast

c. A map

d. A television program or film

e. None of the choices; all must be included
15. It is important to follow the format guidelines for your employer’s documentations style requirements (APA, MLA).

a. T
b. F

Ch. 9 Test Bank
1. A summary can reduce a report or article by no more than 50%.

a. T

b. F
2. Which of the following does not belong in a summary?

a. Purpose

b. Essential specifics

c. Conclusions/results

d. Examples
e. Recommendations

3. When summarizing material, it is necessary to read it more than once.

a. T
b. F

4. When writing a summary, you don’t have to worry about the author’s intentions.

a. T

b. F
5. Which of the following is not one of the 4 E’s of an executive summary?

a. Evaluation

b. Economy

c. Efficiency

d. Elaboration
e. Expediency

6. Another word for an evaluative summary is a:

a. critique.
b. review.

7. Evaluative summaries can only evaluate content, not style.

a. T

b. F
8. The difference between an informative abstract and a descriptive abstract is:

a. an informative abstract is the same as a summary.

b. a descriptive abstract is shorter than an informative abstract.

c. All of these choices are correct.
9. A news release can be much longer and more detailed than other types of summaries.

a. T

b. F
10. Which of the following topics is appropriate for a news release?

a. Products or services in the planning stages

b. Controversial events or company problems

c. New construction and developments
d. Well known products or services

Ch. 10 Test Bank
1. Visuals are important for non-native speakers of English and multi-cultural audiences.

a. T
b. F

2. Visuals can be used as a substitute for written work.

a. T

b. F
3. Which of the following is not a problem when it comes to visuals?

a. Large amount of detail

b. Unnecessary lines/patterns/bars

c. Simple language
d. An omission from an existing visual

4. Visuals must always have a title/caption and be references in your text, and their sources must be cited.

a. T
b. F

5. Visuals can be placed anywhere in the text, as long as they are labeled.

a. T

b. F
6. Visuals must always be introduced and interpreted.

a. T
b. F

7. Tables, figures, charts, and graphs all have different characteristics and should be used appropriately.

a. T
b. F

8. Maps, drawings, and clip art should not be used in professional documents.

a. T

b. F
9. You must get permission to use photographs in a professional document.

a. T
b. F

10. Visuals can be easily distorted to be used unethically.

a. T

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