Christian Theology

Theology questions;

Give the the history of Christian theology

Explain why is the roman emperor Constantine considered great in Christianity?

Explain the problem of patriarchy in Christianity



Christian Theology




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Christian Theology

The History of Christian Theology

The Christian faith appropriated the term theology, and in today’s society, it is referred to the reasoned disclosure of God. According to Plantinga et al. (2022), Plato derives theology from the Republic in the 437-347 BCE during the ancient pre-Christian period. Plantinga et al (2022) also stated that “in Book II of his famous philosophical text, Plato’s spokesperson Socrates criticizes the writers Homer and Hesoid (those great bards of the ancient myths) for their depictions of the Greek gods as engaged in all-too-humanlike intrigues and scurrilous behaviour” (p.6). The Greek mythical gods were misleading and troubling since it did not represent God accurately. Christian thinkers like Clement Alexandria from the 159-215 BC was one of the first people to differentiate the theology from the Christian faith and theology from the Greek methodology (Plantinga et al, 2022). Eusebiu, who was an early church historian, criticized and did not agree with the Greek understanding of the meaning of theology but agreed with the Christian understanding of the term, which proclaims God as the creator.  Aristotle, a famous student of Plato and a Greek philosopher, dismissed theology and referred to it as a speech about mythical gods (Plantinga et al. (2022). Philosophers considered theology as dubious and falsely accounts for the nature of reality.  In the fourth century, as Christianity spread, the term theology gained broad recognition and acceptance.  The Roman Emperor Constantine is considered to be great in Christianity, and patriarchy is common in Christianity.

Why is the Roman Emperor Constantine considered Great in Christianity?

In Christianity, the Roman Emperor is considered as great. Constantine was the first Ceaser of the Roman empire who believed and identified as a Christian. Constantine was responsible for improving the church conditioned by raising it from the state of oppression and persecution of Christians to a state of honor and power; This led him to receive the title the Great (Shaft, 2022). According to Schaff (2022), Constantine founded the Byzntine and Constantinople empires, making him a successful Roman emperor. During his reign, all subjects were considered Christians; This connected the religious rights and the civil rights and the church was considered as a divine government. Schaff (2022) also stated that “Constantine stands also as the type of an undiscriminating and harmful conjunction of Christianity with politics of the holy symbol of peace with the horrors of war of the spiritual interests of the Kingdom of heaven with the earthly interests of state” (p.4). The Christians were persecuted under the reigns of Galerius and Diocletian which main aim was eradicating the Christian faith. Constantine was distinguished from other emperors because of his genuine political wisdom of eradicating idolatry in the Roman empire. Hence, in After his death, the idea of the Church being considered as a Divine government was fully developed and accepted by his successors.  Thus, Constantine is considered great in Christianity as he encouraged Christianity through improving the church conditions.

The Problem of Patriarchy in Christianity

Patriarchy is one of the issues faced in Christianity. In a patriarchal society, men are regarded as superior as compared to women in the society. Institutions like the church has led to the preservation of patriarchal ideology. According to Wood (2020), the inequality and oppression of women can also be raced back from the bible.   According to Wood (2020), “Patriarchy presented and shaped societies in the history of humanity, both in the past and the present and it has been a mode of life and is considered ahistorical, eternal and endorsed by God” (p.4). Wood (2020) also stated that patriarchy is based on the principle of control through male dominance. The social institutions are built on patriarchal roots for example, the church. “the church, a body of Christ, is male and women are therefore excluded from leadership roles; women’s bodies are sinful; desire and sex are only for reproduction; and within the family and household, women are to be subordinate because it is God’s will that men are to be the head thereof” (Wood, 2020, p.2). An example of patriarchy is th institution of marriage as explained in the bible. In the bible, marriage is seen as a union between a dominant male and a subordinate female (Wood, 2020). Thus, patriarchy is promoted in Christianity whereby thee church considers the men superior to the women.


In conclusion, the study of the history of theology is essential because it enables Christian know the origin of their faith. The Roman Emperor Constantine promoted Christianity and is therefore considered great in Christianity. Constantine did not promote Christianity for his self-interest but for the benefit of all people to promote unity and harmony at a time where the empire was threatened by Barbarians. The oppression of women is common in churches. Patriarchy is promoted in church through men being considered as the church leaders and also as the leaders in the family unit. In Christianity, the recognition of men as superior compared to women promotes patriarchy in the church. Patriarchy is a discriminatory force through male dominance and it should be discouraged.




Plantinga, R. J., Thompson, T. R., & Lundberg, M. D. (2022). An introduction to Christian theology. Cambridge University Press.

Schaff, P. (2022). History of the Christian Church: Vol. 2. BoD–Books on Demand.

Wood, H. J. (2019). Gender inequality: The problem of harmful, patriarchal, traditional and cultural gender practices in the church. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies75(1).

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