Characteristics and Benefits of a Business Network

Write; an essay about the characteristics and advantages of a business network


Characteristics and Benefits of a Business Network



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Characteristics and Benefits of a Business Network

“Your business network is your net worth” is a famous quote by Porter Gale. A business network is a group of individuals, organizations, or businesses that are connected through a shared purpose or interest. According to Knoke business networks are formed to facilitate communication, collaboration, and exchange of information or resources among members. Business networks can be formal or informal, and they can exist in various forms such as trade associations, chambers of commerce, online forums, and social media groups. The primary goal of a business network is to create opportunities for members to expand their reach, grow their businesses, and increase their profitability. Knoke also stated that by joining a business network, entrepreneurs and business owners could benefit from access to a wider range of contacts, new ideas, and resources (11). They can also gain valuable insights into market trends, industry developments, and potential partnerships or collaborations. Business networks allow members to build relationships and establish trust with one another. Through regular interactions and participation in events, members can create a sense of community and shared purpose, leading to long-lasting business relationships built on trust and mutual respect (Knoke 11). A business network is an essential tool for individuals and organizations looking to grow and have characteristics such as a shared purpose and trust, and collaboration, and also benefits such as access to resources and information for its members.

Characteristics of Business Network

Shared Purpose

Shared purpose is one of the essential characteristics of business networks. Characteristic refers to the common goal or purpose that brings together the individuals or organizations that form the network. According to Lucena, business networks are formed around a shared interest, such as promoting a particular industry, fostering entrepreneurship, or addressing a specific issue or challenge 22). A shared purpose is essential because it creates a sense of community and shared identity among members. Lucena also stated that by coming together around a common goal, individuals or organizations in a business network could feel a sense of belonging and connection with others who share their interests or values (16); This can help build trust and facilitate collaboration among members. A shared purpose helps to focus the activities of the network. By having a clear goal or purpose, business networks can prioritize their activities and resources towards achieving that goal; This can help ensure that the network effectively achieves its objectives and that members are motivated and engaged in the network’s activities. A shared purpose can help to attract and retain members. Individuals or organizations are more likely to participate in a business network if they feel that the network aligns with their interests or values and believe it can help them achieve their goals. By articulating a clear and compelling purpose, business networks can attract like-minded individuals or organizations interested in collaborating and working towards a common goal (Lucena 24). Thus, shared purpose is one of the essential characteristics of business networks because business networks are formed around a shared interest, such as promoting a particular industry, fostering entrepreneurship, or addressing a specific issue or challenge.

Trust and Collaboration

Trust and collaboration are also key characteristics of successful business networks. Trust is essential for building strong relationships among network members, while collaboration is necessary for achieving shared goals and objectives. According to Barone, trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship, including those within a network (3). Without trust, it is difficult for network members to communicate effectively, share resources, or collaborate on projects. Trust is built over time through consistent behaviour and open communication, and it is strengthened when members of a network fulfill their promises and act with integrity. Collaboration is also essential for achieving shared goals within a business network. Barone also stated that collaboration involves working together towards a common objective, pooling resources and expertise, and sharing risks and rewards (2). Collaboration requires a willingness to listen to others, compromise when necessary, and remain focused on the overall goal of the network. Trust and collaboration go hand in hand in a business network. Trust is essential to build strong relationships among members, while collaboration is necessary to achieve shared goals. When members of a network trust each other, they are more likely to collaborate effectively and achieve better outcomes. Conversely, when collaboration is successful, it builds trust among members, further strengthening relationships and enabling more effective collaboration in the future. Thus, trust and collaboration are also key characteristics of successful business networks because trust is essential for building strong relationships among network members, while collaboration is necessary for achieving shared goals and objectives.

Benefits of Business Network

Access to Resources

Access to resources is one of the primary benefits that members of business networks can enjoy. According to Schroeder, business networks provide a platform for individuals or organizations to connect with each other, expertise, and access resources that they may not have been able to obtain independently (33). Resources that can be accessed through business networks include financial resources, such as funding or investment opportunities, and non-financial resources, such as knowledge, skills, and contacts. Members of a business network may be able to access these resources through partnerships, joint ventures, or other collaborative arrangements. Schroeder also stated that access to financial resources is one of the most important benefits of business networks (22). By joining a network, members may be able to access funding or investment opportunities that they would not have been able to obtain on their own. For example, a small business owner may be able to access a loan or investment through a network of investors or lenders, or a startup may secure funding through a network of angel investors or venture capitalists. Non-financial resources are also important benefits of business networks. Members may be able to access knowledge, expertise, and contacts that can help them develop their businesses or pursue new opportunities (Schroeder 18). For example, a business owner may be able to access training or mentoring through a network of experienced entrepreneurs, or a professional may develop new contacts and partnerships through a network of industry experts. Thus, one of the primary benefits that members of business networks can enjoy is access to resources since business networks provide a platform for individuals or organizations to connect and expertise and access resources that they may not have been able to obtain on their own.

Access to Information

Access to information is a key benefit that members of business networks can enjoy. According to Schroeder, access to information is critical for businesses looking to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions (14). Business networks can provide members with information, including market research, industry trends, and best practices. Members can also benefit from the expertise of other network members, who may have experience in areas such as marketing, sales, or technology. Through business networks, members can also gain access to industry events and conferences, which can provide valuable opportunities to network with other professionals, learn about new developments and trends in their field, and build relationships with potential partners or customers. These events can also be a platform for members to showcase their products or services and gain visibility and credibility within their industry. Schroeder also stated that in addition to providing access to information and expertise, business networks could offer their members other benefits (12). For example, they can provide a platform for networking and building relationships and help raise the profile and credibility of members within their industry or community. Business networks can also provide a forum for sharing information and best practices, and they can help to promote innovation and collaboration within the industry. Thus, access to information is a key benefit that members of business networks can enjoy because it is critical for businesses looking to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.


In conclusion, business networks can be a powerful tool for individuals and organizations looking to grow and succeed in their industries. One of the key characteristics of business networks is a shared purpose, which allows members to work together towards common goals and objectives. Trust and collaboration are also essential characteristics of business networks, enabling members to build strong relationships, share knowledge and resources, and support each other in achieving their goals. By joining a business network, members can benefit from a range of advantages, including access to resources and information. Business networks provide a valuable platform for individuals and organizations to connect with others in their industry, share knowledge and resources, and access opportunities for growth and success. Whether you are a small business owner, a professional, or a startup looking to launch a new product or service, joining a business network can be a powerful way to achieve your goals and stay competitive.




Barone, Mauro, and Michele Coscia. “Birds of a feather scam together: Trustworthiness homophily in a business network.” Social Networks 54 (2018): 228-237.

Jiang, Xu, et al. “Entrepreneurial orientation, network resource acquisition, and firm performance: A network approach.” Journal of Business Research 87 (2018): 46-57.

Knoke, David. Changing organizations: Business networks in the new political economy. Routledge, 2018.

Schroeder, Andreas, and Ali Ziaee Bigdeli. “Capturing the Benefits of Digitalization and Service Innovation: A Business Network Perspective.” Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol. 2018. No. 1. 2018.

Schroeder, Andreas, et al. “Capturing the benefits of industry 4.0: a business network perspective.” Production Planning & Control 30.16 (2019): 1305-1321.

Talarowska, Camilla, and Denana Tuzinovic. “Business networks A study of managers in small companies and their perceived benefits of formal business network participation.” (2008).




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