Case Study Of Psychosomatic Pain Nasrin Nursing Essay

It is a case of psychosomatic pain disorder in which a twenty seven year old lady named Nasrin is suffering from lower abdomen pain. Recently she had hysterectomy due to heavy periods and regular severe uterine pain. But after six months of her surgery she still feeling pain in her lower abdomen and she have no improvement in pain after six months of her surgery. Her gynecologist confident her that everything was normal but she was not satisfied with this statement. She visits many specialists but found no relief. She felt sharp pain everyday from few minutes to hours. In recent times she felt chest pain and thought she is having heart attack. But after her checkup in emergency the physician recommended that it might be anxiety. She felt insulted .Her GP influenced her to go to psychologist. GP clarified her that at times even emotions causes difficulties in medical problems

Client’s problems and Diagnosis:

Nasrin went to consultant and told her problems. She explained that she has severe low backache and her pain is presently radiating both legs. Pain is very sharp and brought herself to tears. Pain occurs every day at different time intervals. She has lack of motivation and interest. She didn’t sleep properly in night. She felt insulted when GP told her that these are only the signs of anxiety and tell her to see a psychologist. She avoids to meet anyone and seen herself failure and weak. By studying the whole case the case is diagnosed with the help of DSM IV checklist and it is diagnosed as a case of pain disorder associated with psychological factors. The client has following features: Her main problem was significant pain from long time. There are many psychological factors which play main role in the beginning, severity, exacerbation or preservation of pain. As pain felt everyday at different times and intervals. Pain is very sharp that brings Nasrin to tears. The symptoms are not purposely produced by the patient.

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