Case Study and Care Plan Evaluation

Southern New Hampshire University

The short-term impacts of this trauma bring Eloni’s acting out present, his anger and sadness/denial. Eloni is not the only one suffering but in the short-term Anamalia could feel overwhelmed, upset and to blame for all of this happening. The youngest Kolomalu who has to be separated form his family due to the abuse for the short-term will suffer from being away from his mother. The long-term impacts will be a possible drug addiction for Eloni if it’s proven he has a drug issue, this will make things harder for him. Long-term impacts for Anamalia and Kolomalu will be dealing with this CPS case, following all the steps, getting Kolomalu back and closing it. The impacts differ because in Eloni’s case he has to worry about his health and his outcomes in Animalia’s case she needs to worry about herself and both her children’s outcomes. They are similar because each child is now suffering from trauma, each have a resolution there are treatments and programs for each impact.

The physical trauma on the children and family brought several needs, there needs are trauma related because they involved trauma happening, counseling, CPS getting involved and much more. The needs will differ based on each short and long-term trauma faced by each family member. One family member may need drug abuse help, another financial help and another may need a longer course of therapy. They are similar in the way that each family member has needs that have solutions they can work on together.

Psychological trauma can impact the children and family in the short-term by causing self-destructive behavior, social withdrawal, hostility, substance abuse (which may already be happening), and impulsiveness. The long-term impacts from this trauma can be sexual problems, dissociative symptoms, depression, compulsive behavior, anxiety and feeling permanently damaged. These impacts differ because some can easily be taken care of by medications or counseling while others may never go away. They are similar in a way that they are damaging, no matter the type of impact it is hurting the children and family due to this trauma.

Due to the psychological trauma on the children and family the needs that are trauma related are counseling/possible rehab, mental help/behavioral therapist. The needs are trauma related because if the trauma never happened then the needs wouldn’t be present. These needs will differ from person-to-person however they are similar in a way that everyone in the family will utilize them.

The risk and resiliency factors that are present for the children and family are poverty, depression, traumatic events, abuse, stress, and anger. These relate to the specific issue because they all have to-do with the children or the family as a whole. These relate because no matter what age poverty, depression, trauma, abuse or stress can happen.

The children are both minors, with regards to this before treating a minor the health care providers must obtain consent from the parent or legal guardians (McNary, A, 2014). Minors may however be able to consent to treatment for such things as substance abuse, mental health care, and birth control (McNary, A, 2014). It’s important to check specifically with the state in question. The proposed interventions include family counseling, drug and alcohol treatment and behavior treatment for Eloni. These can be legally mandated by the courts as well if need be. Another proposed intervention would be for Anamalia to apply for legal and emergency assistance to avoid eviction and to buy groceries.

Ethical choices involved matters of rights and wrong and duty and obligation. Standard 4 of the ethical standards: if it is suspected that danger or harm may occur to the client or to others as a result of a client’s behavior, the human services professional acts in an appropriate and professional manner to protect the safety of those individuals. This may involve, but is not limited to, seeking consultation, supervision, and/or breaking the confidentiality of the relationship (Barrett, S, N.D.). Eloni needs behavior treatment and the family needs counseling for recent behaviors of Eloni’s this standard is applicable because as the human service professional if we see the behavior continue or worsen, we need to step in and protect those involved.

The primary crisis is the behavior issues with Eloni, he has abused his brother, maybe using drugs and attempted to stab a classmate. The proposed interventions will directly help Eloni, but in the end will also help the whole family. If Eloni’s issues can be addressed and fixed the family can begin to heal and fix the other issues. The secondary crisis would be Anamalia and the family’s possible eviction and lack of money for food. The secondary intervention benefits the family because if Anamalia can apply for legal and emergency assistance to avoid eviction and buy groceries then that’s one less thing she needs to worry about at the moment. CPS also won’t allow Kolomalu to go home if there is no home to go to, or no food in the home. So, for the family it’s important Anamalia figure this out. The tertiary intervention and crisis are CPS and Kolomalu. CPS has Kolomalu due to being abused by Eloni. The family will need to follow CPS procedures to be able to get Kolomalu back. The importance of primary, secondary and tertiary interventions shows which in order the family needs to work on in order to succeed, stay safe and get better. Addressing each is important because it brings out important details of each crisis and intervention. They differ by family member and they are similar because in the end they all affect the family as a whole.

The children especially Eloni need counseling, he needs to understand and come to what happened to him and start to heal. He is suffering and taking it out on his family, others at school (violence), and himself (drugs). His ongoing needs could change depending on acute needs, taking care of acute needs will give an insight to the ongoing long-term needs. The family is also in need of basic items such as food and making rent payments. These needs are equally important for Anamalia and her family. Most of these interventions directly benefit Eloni, however I do believe when Eloni is better it will benefit the whole family, if not specific services for each family member can be made. The family needs Eloni’s behavior to improve for his safety and the safety of others, once Eloni is on the right track this will relieve some of Anamalia’s stress that way she can continue to focus on finding a job and supporting her family. Eloni receiving help and the family following CPS protocol to get Kolomalu back home is step one. Anamalia in the meantime needs to file for legal and emergency assistance to avoid eviction and to buy groceries. During that process she needs to be finding and job as well. The family all around will need to follow CPS procedures to get Kolomalu back, other than that the interventions/referrals meet the family’s overall needs. A contingency plan in place would be to send Eloni away if his substance abuse or behavior worsens and it threatens the well-being of the whole family. Hopefully this wouldn’t have to happen but being sent to a place that could help Eloni full time could make him more resilient in the future.

The practitioner working on this case risk trauma like flashbacks if they have every experienced anything such like this family. They are also at risk for burnout which if this case is long and time consuming could physically, mentally and emotionally drain the practitioner working on it. To deal with these risks’ interventions/referrals would be that each practitioner has a weekly check-in with the head of the department, if they seem “burned out” or at risk of re-traumatization then they will be given some downtime from the case. It is important everyone involved in this case is physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for each day, if not it could jeopardize the client’s results.

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