Business Law Ethics Paper

Ethics Paper

For this assignment, you will consider the consequences of acting ethically or unethically.  After carefully reading the supplemental ethics materials (Jennings handout), discuss fully the ethical issues related to this case.  (1) Categorize the ethical dilemma(s), (2) examine the matter from the various parties’ perspectives, and finally, (3) discuss whether or not the entrustment rule can be justified from an ethical point of view.

You will also be graded on grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Your answer must be typed (double-spaced, font size 12) and between 500 to 1000 words in length.  This assignment is to be added to your “iWeb Folio” file.


Writing assignments will be graded on the depth of the arguments, the analysis, coherence, and editing (grammar and mechanical correctness).  (50 points)


Toby and Rita Kagen donated some used clothing to Community Charities, Inc which sells used clothing and household items to raise money for charitable programs.  They were not aware that a small bag containing their sterling silver had been accidentally included within one of the bags of donated clothing.  The silverware, which was valued at over $3,500, had been given to them twenty-seven years earlier by Rita’s father as a wedding present and had great sentimental value for them.

The Kagens realized what had happened shortly after Toby returned from Community Charities, but when Toby called Community Charities, he was told that the silver had immediately been sold to a customer, Karen Makefield, for $15.  Although Community Charities called Makefield and asked her to return the silver, Makefield refused to return it.  The Kagens then brought an action against Makefield to regain the silver, claiming that Makefield did not have good title to it.  If the silver is lost property, the Kagens will be entitled to the return of the silver.  If the silver is deemed to be entrusted to Community Charities and Makefield is a good faith purchaser, the Kagens will not have the right to recover the silver from Makefield.

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