Blog or Twitter Post Assignment

Blog Post:

Your post should be about a subject or phenomenon that you discovered and/or wrote about in the News Story. For example, if you wrote about the school sponsoring the Homecoming dance, your post could be about how some communities restrict homecoming activities, dates, dress codes, dance types, etc.

This should also be something that you have an opinion about that you will provide factual information via links to other instances, articles, pictures, graphs, etc.

You are allowed to write using the personal “I” and include information that can be personal observation and/or experience.

Your Blog Post MUST:

  • Be written in AP Style.
  • Contain a Headline.
  • Contain 3 live links into other articles. The links should be a live link and can be accomplished by using the “Insert” tab then ‘Hyperlink’ command in Word. Links should appear within your writing and MUST BE Boldface OR underlined.
  • Make sure that all proper names and places referred to are Tagged. Tags MUST be listed at the end of the blog/story.
  • 150-200 words.
  • 25% or less Similarity score.
  • Times New Roman 12 pts., single-spaced.
  • The Twitter Post (Tweet)

The tweet should not be more than 280 characters. It must include hashtags. Please see the guidelines for writing on Twitter in your text. This is what will be used for your rubric/grading. This post should relate directly to your blog post. Think of it as tweeting to get people interested in your blog. Click this link to learn a little bit about a Twitter Post and making sure you make each character count: (Links to an external site.).

Submit A single Word document that contains:

  1. A Headline
  2. A Blog Post with Tags
  3. A Twitter Post with Hashtags

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