Betadine Bath And Post Operative Infection Nursing Essay

Surgical site infection accounts for between 10 to 20% of Healthcare Associated infections and increases the length of hospital stay and utilization of healthcare resources. Surgical site infection (SSI) is a post operative complication occurring within 30 days following a surgical procedure and up to 12 months if a prosthetic device has been implanted.

The incidence of infected surgical wounds may be influenced by factors such as pre-operative care, the theatre environment, post operative care and type of surgery.

The first use of an antiseptic skin agent in surgery is credited to the English surgeon Joseph Lister (1827-1912). Prior to the mid-19th century, limb amputation was associated with an alarming 50% postoperative mortality from sepsis. Following Louis Pasteur’s discovery that tissue decay was caused by microscopic organisms, Lister theorized that the spread of these microbes through surgical wounds was responsible for death in the postoperative period. Lister began treating wounds with carbolic acid (phenol) in an effort to prevent tissue decay and the resultant infectious complications. As a result, the incidence of surgical sepsis fell dramatically, catalyzing the adoption of modern antiseptic techniques, including instrument sterilization, the use of surgical scrub and rubber gloves, and sterile patient preparation. (Micah L Hemani, MD and Herbert Lepor, MD, 2009)


Postoperative surgical site infections (SSIs) are a common complication of joint surgery. Prevention depends on adequate preoperative skin antisepsis. In previous studies, use of a 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) no-rinse cloth reduced SSI rates in general surgery patients (2009 National Association of Orthopedic Nurses)


Foot surgery has an increased risk of postoperative infection when compared with surgery of other anatomical regions. A pre-surgical foot bath in a bactericidal solution is thought to reduce the incidence of postoperative wound infection. We will compare the incidence of post-operative wound infection in two groups; one will undergo a pre-surgical footbath and one group that will not.

Need for the study:

Wound infection is an important cause of morbidity and occasional mortality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). The aim of this study is to assess the influence of using preoperative antiseptic solution on postoperative wound infection.

Hypothesis/research question:

Postoperative infection rate is lower among orthopedic patient who had skin preparation with antiseptic solution preoperatively than patient who did not have skin preparation.

Independent variable: preoperative skin preparation with antiseptic solution.

Dependent variable: post operative infection rate

Type of hypothesis: simple-directional

Population: orthopedic patient

Question: is there a correlation between postoperative infection and preoperative skin preparation with antiseptic solution in orthopedic patient who undergo surgery?

2.what is the effect of pre operative skin preparation with antiseptic solution on post operative infection rate?

Definition of terms/variables:

Operational definition:

Postoperative wound infection is an infection in the tissues of the incision and operative area. It can occur from 1 day to many years after an operation but commonly occurs between the fifth and tenth days after surgery. Infection is measured by:

A temperature of more than 38°C, Hot Incision, Swelling/Hardening of the Incision, Redness, Drainage from the Incision, Pain more than 5 on pain scale. Presence of one or more of previous symptom.

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