Forgiveness in Theology


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Forgiveness in Theology





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Forgiveness in Theology

One of the most famous quotes by Martin Luther King Jr is that “Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.” The act of forgiveness should be encouraged to live in peace and harmony. According to Worthington et al. (2019), “Forgiveness is an important component within each of the world’s five major religions, and it is an especially central theme within the Christian faith” (p.1). He also stated that forgiveness in theology is the act or process of pardoning or absolving someone from blame or wrongdoing. It is granting mercy and explaining to someone who has committed a wrong or an offense. According to VanderWeele (2018), in theology, forgiveness is often seen as a central concept and is considered crucial to human relationships and spiritual growth. It is often seen as restoring relationships, bringing peace and harmony to the community, and purifying the soul. It is also often connected to repentance and salvation and is considered a gift from God. Different religions have their understanding of forgiveness, its meaning, and how it is incorporated into their belief. This paper discusses forgiveness and its importance in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism religions.

Forgiveness in Christianity Religion

Forgiveness is essential in the Christian faith. According to Exline (2019), “Many people perceive themselves as being in a personal relationship with a deity, such as a monotheistic God” (p.1). As part of this relationship, people may experience offenses that they commit against God and are required to seek forgiveness from Him. According to Exline (2009), forgiveness is a central concept in Christianity. The teachings of Jesus Christ on forgiveness play a significant role in shaping the understanding of this concept in the faith. According to Feo (2019), the teachings of Jesus Christ on forgiveness are found throughout the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. One of the most well-known passages on forgiveness is located in the Lord’s Prayer, where Jesus teaches his followers to pray, “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” (Matthew 6:12). This passage emphasizes the connection between forgiveness and the need for forgiveness. Jesus also teaches that forgiveness is necessary for salvation, saying, “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14-15). In Christianity, forgiveness is seen as necessary for salvation and eternal life. The Bible teaches that all people are sinners and that their sins separate them from God. Forgiveness is required to restore the relationship between God and the sinner and to bring the sinner into the right relationship with God. Thus, the act of forgiveness is heavily emphasized in Christianity.

Forgiveness in Judaism

Forgiveness is a central concept in Judaism religion. According to Bingemer (2019), “In the Hebrew Bible, forgiveness is an important point not only in the relationship between God and humanity but also in the relationships of human beings among themselves” (p.1). In Judaism, seeking forgiveness from others is considered an essential aspect of human relationships. He also stated that the Talmud teaches that one should forgive those who have wronged them and that this should be done as soon as possible after the wrong has been committed. According to Jerkins (2019), in the Jewish tradition, there is a prayer for forgiving others called the Mechilah, which is recited when another person has wronged one. This prayer is a request for God to forgive the wrongdoer, and it is considered a way of showing compassion and generosity. Forgiveness is seen as a way to overcome anger and resentment, negative emotions that can lead to suffering. Additionally, forgiveness is seen as a way to cultivate compassion and understanding for others. Thus, forgiveness in Judaism is considered essential in their faith.

Forgiveness in Islamic Religion

Forgiveness is a central concept in the Islamic faith. According to Sharma (2021), “Islam is one of the most widely practiced religions in the world, and the religion usually applies to all Muslims across the globe” (p.1). He also stated that “the Muslims rely majorly on the holy teachings of the Quran and just like other religions, Islam too talks about the importance of helping those in need, being truthful towards the teachings of Allah” (p.1). According to Idi (2020), Muslims are taught that they should seek forgiveness from God and those they have wronged, and they should also forgive those who have wronged them. Forgiveness is seen as a way to purify the soul and bring peace to the community. He also stated that in Islam, forgiveness is seen as a way to purify the soul, and the Quran teaches that forgiveness is necessary to clarify the soul and to bring peace to the community. Forgiveness is seen as a way to overcome anger and resentment, negative emotions that can lead to suffering. Additionally, forgiveness is seen as a way to cultivate compassion and understanding for others. Thus, forgiveness is encouraged in the Islamic religion.

Forgiveness in Buddhism

Forgiveness is a central concept in the Buddhism religion. According to Lin (2021), “Forgiveness is mostly seen as a virtuous human response to wrongful conduct” (p.1). According to her, in Buddhism, forgiveness is seen as a way to overcome anger and resentment, which are seen as negative emotions that can lead to suffering. The Buddhist teachings emphasize the importance of letting go of anger and resentment, as they can lead to harmful thoughts and actions and cause suffering for oneself and others. According to Cheng (1019), through forgiveness, Buddhists are taught to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and to understand that all beings can make mistakes. He also states that cultivating compassion and understanding through forgiveness in Buddhism, forgiveness is also seen as a way to develop empathy and understanding for others. Through forgiveness, Buddhists are taught to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and to understand that all beings can make mistakes. This understanding leads to compassion, the charity for others, and a willingness to forgive and let go of anger and resentment. Thus, forgiveness in the Buddhism religion is encouraged.


In conclusion, forgiveness is encouraged in theology. Christianity teaches that forgiveness is a crucial aspect of human relationships with God and others. The teachings of Jesus Christ emphasized the importance of forgiveness for salvation and eternal life and the understanding of forgiveness as a gift from God. In Judaism, forgiveness is seen as a crucial aspect of human relationships with God and others. The practices of seeking forgiveness from others, forgiving others, and the importance of forgiveness in repairing relationships and bringing peace to the community are essential aspects of the Jewish faith. In Islam, forgiveness is seen as a virtue and a sign of strength. The Islamic teachings on forgiveness emphasize the importance of seeking forgiveness from God and others and the understanding that only God can forgive sins. In Buddhism, forgiveness is seen as a way to overcome anger and resentment, cultivate compassion and understanding, and reduce suffering. The Buddhist teachings emphasize the importance of letting go of negative emotions and cultivating positive emotions, such as compassion and understanding. Ultimately, forgiveness is an essential concept in theology and is considered crucial to human relationships and spirituality and can be a powerful tool for overcoming negative emotions and living a more fulfilled life.



Bingemer, M. C. L. (2019). Love and forgiveness: A Christian theological point of view. Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality19(2), 232-249. 10.1353/pcs.2019.0029

Cheng, S. (2019). Forgiveness in the Global Age: Derrida and Buddhism1. The measure of People and Space Interactions in the Built Environment: Towards Responsive Development, 151.

De Feo, E. M. Pure Love: The True Sign of Every True Disciple of Jesus Christ.

Exline, J. J. (2019). Anger toward God and divine forgiveness. In Handbook of forgiveness (pp. 117-127). Routledge.

Jerkins, J. (2019). Forgiveness in Judaism. The measure of People and Space Interactions in the Built Environment: Towards Responsive Development, 1.

Lin, K. (2021). With or Without Repentance: A Buddhist Take on Forgiveness. Ethical Perspectives28(3).

Sharma, M. (2021). Gratitude, Forgiveness and Religiosity-A Comparative Study.

VanderWeele, T. J. (2018). Is forgiveness a public health issue? American Journal of Public Health108(2), 189-190.

Warsaw, I. (2020). Forgiveness is viewed from positive psychology and Islam. IGCJ: Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal3(2), 108-121.

Worthington Jr, E. L., Rueger, S. Y., Davis, E. B., & Wortham, J. (2019). “Mere” Christian forgiveness: An ecumenical Christian conceptualization of forgiveness through the lens of stress-and-coping theory. Religions10(1), 44.








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