Ancient Education In Greece And Rome

Evaluative Essay Instructions


· To evaluate an historical theme using assigned sources for support.

· To compose a properly formatted, scholarly paper, using the most recent edition of Turabian, Notes-Bibliography.

General Directions:

For this assignment, students will choose 1 historical theme from the list below to research throughout the course:






Students will write 2 analytical essays on their chosen theme, using the primary sources and topic prompts within the additional documents.

In Week 3, students will submit a thesis statement for Evaluative Essay 1 to the instructor for review. This pre-submission of the thesis statement will not be required for Evaluative Essay 2.

Evaluative Essay 1 will cover the period from 3000 BC through AD 476. It is due in Week 4.

Evaluative Essay 2 will cover the period from 476-1640. It is due in Week 7.

Specific Requirements:

The evaluative essay will consider assigned sources on the chosen theme, and evaluate those sources using the topic prompt provided in the additional documents for this assignment.

Format, Length and Organization:

· Length: 750-1100 words (roughly 3-4 pages, double spaced – not counting footnotes)

· Double spaced text, Times New Roman, size 12 font, standard margins and indentation (see Turabian: Notes-Bibliography)

· The paper should have a title page, body, and bibliography page

· Using Turabian Notes-Bibliography style, format footnotes for the paper.

· Basic Organization (except literature topic, given in literature document): The paper will consist of an introduction, body and conclusion:

· Introduction should be one paragraph and should introduce the main argument, ending with a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement is the ONE SENTENCE argument.

· Body of the paper is a few paragraphs (3-4) developing and supporting the argument, showing comparison and contrast of the assigned documents, as well as further analysis and Biblical evaluation. The body of the paper should provide specific examples and details from the assigned sources.

· Conclusion is the final paragraph, restating the argument and summarizing the main points of the paper, drawing conclusions for the reader. No new information.


· The textbook and lectures can be used for basic background information, but the majority of supporting details should be drawn from the assigned sources within each topic document.

· For Biblical analysis, you can use your own Bible, or one of the following websites for finding and using Scripture verses. Please note that you need to use a standard translation (such as KJV or ESV) and not a paraphrase Bible (such as the Message).

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