Ten Vocabulary words.  As you read the text above select 10 vocabulary words (minimum).  You select the words new to you, or words used in a way new to you.  List each word and then a definition that fits the usage of the word.  Look up the definition in an academic dictionary (such as Oxford or Miriam Webster’s New Collegiate, but not Google.)  Then write the definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Select as many vocabulary words as needed to fill up the requirement of 10.


Answer the following questions. Do NOT retype the question.

  1. Who was Karl Marx, when did he live, and where, and what are some of his contributions to critical thinking?
  2. Explain the meaning of Political Economy?  [You may need to research this online.]
  3. According to Karl Marx, what is the fallacy of private property?  Give a full explanation in your own words.  Do not quote Marx, do not quote any other sources.  Use your own words.
  4. What causes the devaluation of man? Give a full explanation in your own words.  Do not quote Marx, do not quote any other sources.  Use your own words.
  5. Explain why man is estranged (alienated) from the product of his own labor.  Give a full explanation in your own words.  Do not quote Marx, do not quote any other sources.  Use your own words.
  6. Give some real life examples of alienated labor.  Give a full explanation in your own words.  Do not quote Marx, do not quote any other sources.  Use your own words.
  7. Explain this passage, ” . . . though private property appears to be the reason, the cause of alienated labor, it is rather its consequence, . . ” [Marked in blue font above.]  Give a full explanation in your own words.  Do not quote Marx, do not quote any other sources.  Use your own words.
  8. Explain this passage, ” . . . the gods are originally not the cause but the effect of man’s intellectual confusion . . .”  [Marked in red font above.]  Give a full explanation in your own words.  Do not quote Marx, do not quote any other sources.  Use your own words.
  9. How is private property the means by which labor becomes estranged, and by which it is perpetuated?  [Clue: think of class distinctions in society.  Everyone thinks, you included,  by working hard enough they will be able to own their own home, some property.  By ownership people mean, have a deed to a house or an estate which they can pass on to their children, and heirs.   Why do they want to do this?  They want life to be easier for their children, so the children will not be forced to work as hard as the parents did, or in as difficult or miserable jobs or circumstances as the parents did.  Everyone dreams of becoming landed gentry, owners of lands to the point where they only need to work if they want to, but it is not required by their circumstance.  This is an illusion.  Let us review the facts:  death is real,  everyone will die, death is expensive, so expensive that most people spend their entire life savings in the last few days of life (think of two weeks in intensive care in a hospital where it easily costs $10,000 per day), funerals are expensive, caskets are expensive, burial is expensive (land is not free).  At the end, the cost of death exceeds the value of the home.  To pay expenses the home is sold.  That does not cover the bill, so the rest of the bill is paid out of savings and investments.  But then your spouse dies, and the costs arise again.  Now there is nothing left.  Hospitals and clinics and others will try to collect the money from the children.  Welcome to the real world.  The idea of becoming landed gentry is so far from reality that it now becomes an obvious illusion.  Even if there is a small inheritance to pass on, it gets’ divided among the children, and to do that it must be sold:  leaving no estate.  What would the children do with it if they had one?  They try to pay down their student loans or refinance their own mortgages.    End of the clue.]  Now, go back and try to answer the question,   . . . How is private property the means by which labor becomes estranged, and by which it is perpetuated?
  10. What would really restore human significance and dignity?

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