Setup for a Safety Function

Accident And Prevention

Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location( New Orleans, Louisiana), current employment  (Labcorp), and future goals.

The safety function has been placed under multiple organizational setups. In some cases, it is placed directly under the human resources manager. In others, it is placed under the plant manager or the production manager. Tell the class where the safety function is placed for an employer with whom you are familiar. Discuss what you believe is the best organizational setup for the safety function, and explain what you believe are the pros and cons for that organizational setup.

Please respond to two posts from your peers. Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”



Hello to all and hope everyone is taking necessary precautions to stay safe in these trying times.  My name is Brian Wilson, a graduate from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and currently an Offshore Operations & Safety Inspector for the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement in New Orleans, Louisiana.  My goal is to obtain my Master’s degree in Occupational Safety and Health with the opportunity to utilize my education and experience to grow personally and professionally.  I also want this achievement to become another member of my family who has pursued and received a Master’s level education.

The safety function for a previous employer that I worked for was actually placed on me.  I was the HSE Coordinator for an offshore service provider that lacked the support from the personnel or people working at the facility.  I believe the best organizational setup for the safety function at this facility would’ve seen the General Manager and Operations Manager be active and supportive in my mission to apply Safety and Health initiatives that applied to the facility.  The pros to that type of structure allowed me to gain experience and knowledge on how to approach people with different ideas and opinions when issues would arise.

The negative side to this showed other employees that they’re participation and support was never seen or heard.  Having to give daily and monthly safety meetings and conduct safety and health operations with no input or support from the people in managerial positions, made the employees feel that they didn’t need or were not required to participate or engage in the safety and health responsibilities at there location.

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