Social Media Platforms Ideal for Internet Marketing

What are the major social media platforms ideal for internet marketing?



Social Media Platforms Ideal for Internet Marketing





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Social Media Platforms Ideal for Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is becoming an essential aspect in businesses. Internet marketing is the use of social media to advertise products. Technology has changed how people advertise their products. According to Bala et al. (2018), “the role of marketing itself has changed dramatically due to various crises – material and energy shortages, inflation, economic recessions, high unemployment, dying industries, dying companies, terrorism and war, and effects due to rapid technological changes in certain industries” (p.3). The internet has made today’s marketing companies to make more market-driven choices. Any of the advertising markets on the internet are known as electronic commerce. Electronic commerce supports the buying, selling, and trading of products and services through the internet.  Digital marketing has become more recognized With the growth of the internet, The internet marketing started in 1990 which involved text-based websites which gave information about the products (Bala et al. (2018). Some companies promoting internet marketing include Yahoo, Google, Alibaba, Amazon and Youtube. Digital marketing involves achieving marketing goals through using digital technologies. Businesses merge online methods and traditional methods in order to meet their customers’ needs for them to be successful. According to Lee et al. (2018), “social media is Increasingly taking up a greater share of the consumers’ time spent online and, due to this, it is becoming a larger component of various firm’s advertising budgets” (p.4). According to Haenlein et al. (2020), “in the year 2020, influencer marketing represented a $10 billion industry and it is therefore becoming important for many firms, especially those operating in a business-to-consumer environment” (p.1). Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are the social media platforms ideal for internet marketing.


Facebook is an ideal social media platform for marketing products. According to Lee et al. (2020), Facebook posts have more content attributes as compared to Twitter and have a high level of user engagement. According to Trap (2017), “Facebook has 1.39 billion active users visiting the website per month, and 92% of social marketing companies have chosen Facebook as a marketing tool, that helped Facebook reach the level of revenue of 12.7 billion in 2014” (p.1). Many companies and service providers choose to create online advertisements on Facebook because it is less expensive than other media platforms. Trap (2017) also sated that on May 6, 2015, Facebook teamed up with IBM in order to create better advertisements on Facebook, and through this, both companies expected to make their advertisements more effective; This is because the customers will get personalized advertisements one and this reduces customer’s resistance against advertisements. “Given the fact that Facebook has grown to be the most popular social media and that personalization has been increasingly utilized as an advertising strategy that makes an ad more relevant to the users, the impact of personalized advertising on Facebook is worth investigating” (Trap, 2017, p.1). Facebook is also more reliable, requiring one to sign in using their real identification. Trap (2017) also stated that on Facebook, user engagement is measured on a daily basis by evaluating the number of likes and comments. Thus,  an ideal social media platform for marketing products is Facebook because it reaches a large number of users.


Instagram is also an ideal social media platform for marketing. According to Khan (2018) “Instagram is one of the fastest-growing online photo social web services where users share their life images with other users, however, the academic research related to this media is limited” (p.1). Young people spend more of their time on Instagram, and using the brand hashtag gets loads of engagement. According to Haenlein et al. (2020), “On Instagram, 60% of its users in the United States of America are younger than 34” (p.2). Luxury brands use Instagram to engage with their customers due to its devoted followers. Khan (2018) stated that luxury brands can afford creative and quality photography and videography. Instagram provide the latest updates on products, and customers turn to social media to obtain updates, and they consider the information more trustworthy. Instagram advertisements are also customized, and by personalizing it, brands can reach their consumers easily. Some of the industries that market through Instagram include, travel industry, food industry, fashion industry, beauty industry and beverage industry (Haenlein et al (2020). Thus, Instagram is also an ideal social media platform for marketing because it also reaches a large number of users.


Youtube is another ideal platform to market their products by using influencers. Youtube influencers are people who have a platform and upload videos for their subscribers to watch and engage with them. According to Tafesse (2020), “YouTube’s vast and engaged user base makes it central to firms’ digital marketing effort” (p.1). According to Xiao et al. (2020), a report that was conducted in 2016 showed that half of the US consumers are subscribed to at least one video streaming platform. Xiao et al. (2020) also stated that “the growing fixation with online video and social platforms elevated the role of YouTube, which incorporates both streaming and social aspects of media consumption and YouTube now has over one billion users worldwide and outperforms all cable networks in terms of reaching audiences 18–49 years old in the United States” (p.2). Thus, marketers use Youtube to market their products Because it has a big audience.


In conclusion, in present society, social media a powerful tool for advertisements. Social media marketing is an essential part of marketing, and it enables brands to reach their consumers. Online marketing is a powerful advertising tool for building brands and m akes brands more recognizable. Online influencers shape customer’s attitude through posting and blogging. Brands shift from traditional advertising to online advertising.  Social media has opened doors for businesses to reach their global consumers. Marketing professionals should understand how to hold social media campaigns to understand how to effectively market their products online. The market dynamics are changing to incorporate the young audience in social media. Internet advertising is essential for a business to succeed because social media pools a large number of potential customers.


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