Computer-Assisted Research

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What is computer-assisted journalism (CAJ)? In your own words, briefly summarize the “five R’s of CAJ” as described in Computer-Assisted Research. Based on the readings, what are the limits of computer-assisted reporting?

Computer-assisted journalism is just as it sounds. It is the use of computers and other databases to gather and find information. Now the 5 R’s of Computer-assisted journalism include reporting, research, reference, reconnaissance and rendezvous. The aspect of reporting is above the obvious giving one the ability to report from online and beyond. But, reporting also refers to accessing online databases in using such materials to put reports together. While research refers to the amount of research and access one has on the computer and internet. Then, reference refers to accessing dictionaries, encyclopedias and books (Quinn, 1997). The reconnaissance R refers to surveying or researching. And finally, the rendezvous R refers to virtual communities which is places such as social media where people come together.

The thing here is computer assisted journalism offers a journalist/reporter a lot of information from the online world in which one can access basically anything they may choose. Records such as birth and death certificates can be accessed as well as marriage and divorce certificates. While there are restrictions such as certain states have limited access to these documents (Houston, 2009). The fact here is computer-assisted journalism offers one with a lot of information but there will be times when one is restricted to what they have full access to. Therefore, most journalists will be able to access most vital records and if not, they have the opportunity to use the Freedom of Information act requesting information that may not be there for the basic public’s viewing. It is all dependent upon what one is trying to access I suppose.

I would like to apologize if my discussion is not all that well put together because I still do not have my Computer Assisted Research book because as I was told by the seller from Amazon that it was lost in the mail.

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