1. Outline the steps to the scientific method.
2. Identify testable observations.
3. Distinguish between dependent and independent variables.
4. Collect, organize, and present scientific data.
This activity explores the concept and application of the scientific method. To distinguish true cause- effect
relationships from associations or perceptions, phenomena must be investigated using designed experiments
and careful observations that can be repeated by others.
The scientific method is typically discussed as a standardized, linear process that includes the following steps and involves specific skills:
1. Make observations or gather data ➔ often leads to a question
2. Formulate a hypothesis which leads to an associated prediction
3. Design an appropriate test/experiment to assess the hypothesis/prediction
4. Conduct test/experiment, record and analyze the results (including mathematical and statistical evaluation)
5. Interpret the results and draw conclusions ➔ accept, revise, or reject the hypothesis
6. Reporting the results (e.g., laboratory report, formal memorandum, peer reviewed article)