A Verse Narrative Gilgamesh, Herbert Mason

Argumentative English Literature Essay about Gilgamesh

Have you read A Verse Narrative Gilgamesh, Herbert Mason  before? do you have it? Please do not send me message if you have not read the exact version of the book and if you do not have it. Do you understand what is Argumentative English Literature Essay ?

Argumentative English Literature Essay about Gilgamesh, Herbert Mason (it has to be the version of the same writer for the text. Attached photo of the book )

– Write essay about topic #1 ( the topic is attached, in the paper)

-you should fallow everything in the paper attached carefully

– It has to be clear and organize writing

– not plot summery at all

– the essay it should be all analysis and argumentative statements

– only the book I mention can be use for sources.

– every paragraph should have specific claim and evidence from the book (Quote)

– I need the paper ASAP in less than 12 hours if possible

-**Write a 1000—1200 word (approx.. 4–5 pgs in standard formatting) analytical paper addressing one of the following topics. A literary analysis goes beyond a mere emotional response to the text or review of the text’s plot and explicit themes. Instead, it should clarify and explain in detail your interpretation of the text OR a particular aspect of the text, an interpretation that is the result of close reading and structural analysis (as we discussed in class). Ask yourself not only what the author is saying, but how and why he/she uses particular words or structures. This essay requires that you demonstrate close reading and you form a specific, interpretive claim about the text. You should be use analysis of specific examples of the text to support your argument.  ALL sources must be cited correctly in MLA style.  It is not required that you consult outside sources for this assignment. However, if you do use an outside source, it must be cited correctly, as do all sources used.


–A Central Argument.  Include a thesis statement that lays out your argument.  Make sure that your argument offers a specific interpretation of the text.

–Supporting Evidence & Analysis.  Provide evidence from your interpretation of the text (i.e. close reading) in order to support your claims/argument.  Be specific and thorough. Plot summary is not evidence.

–Clarity & Organization.  Follow an organized structure.  The ideas presented should relate to one another.  Each paragraph should have a focus and a purpose or “reason for existence.” Remember to lead with your ideas/claims, and not with plot.

–Address the Prompt.  Meet the requirements (appropriate length, format, topic, citations, draft deadlines, etc.)


1)  Italicize titles of long works; titles of shorter works go “in quotes”

2)  Use MLA format to cite works in the essay; also include a Works Cited. For information about MLA citation, check the Purdue OWL website.

3)  Use active voice whenever possible; avoid “to be” verbs

4)  Emphasize detailed, in-depth analysis: avoid summary

5)  Use the present tense in talking about literature

6)  This is literary criticism, not a book review. No more than 2-3 sentences of plot summary, if any.

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