Reducing Childhood Obesity: Health Promotion or CBT

NuRS21010 Understanding Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Concept Terms Boolean Operator Hits
Population: Childhood Childhood, young people, children, child, youth. (Childhood obesity or young people or children or child or your ) and health promotion or cognitive behavioural therapy 38
Intervention: health promotion Health, promotion, (Childhood obesity or young people or children or child or your ) and health promotion or cognitive behavioural therapy 21
Comparison: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT, behavioural, behavioural (Childhood obesity or young people or children or child or your ) and health promotion or (cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT ) 17
Outcome: obesity Obese, weight gain. (Childhood or young people or children or child or youth ) and ( obesity or obese or weight gain) and health promotion or (cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT ) 11

Which is more effective in reducing childhood obesity health promotion or Cognitive behavioural therapy?

Concept Terms Truncate Hits
Population: Childhood Childhood, young people, children, child, youth. Child* obesity health promotion or cognitive behavioural therapy 26
Intervention: Nurse led health promotion Health, promotion, Child* obesity and health promotion and cognitive behavioural therapy 15
Comparison: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT, behavioural, behavioural Child* obesity health promotion or cognitive behaviour* tharap? 10

The first part of my essay will be based on the evaluation on my question this will include looking at the strengths, weaknesses and how I could improve it if I were to do it again.

I wanted to research the question: which is more effective in reducing childhood obesity, health promotion or Cognitive behavioural therapy? As I find the topic childhood obesity really fascinating especially with the current national epidemic of childhood obesity. This made me realise that it’s a concerning health issue so I wanted to explore the possible interventions which were available for those suffering from childhood obesity. To do this I compared one of the most common interventions (health promotion) to one of the emerging interventions being used to treat childhood obesity (cognitive behavioural therapy). I used the CINHAL database for my literature search as it provides indexing of the top nursing and allied health literature (CINHAL, 2013) and offers information relevant to my question.

When researching I used truncation I decided to truncate the terms in my research question as I wanted to collect the information which was relevant to my question rather than irrelevant data, as it did not correlate to my question. This worked as each time I truncated I was able to gather data which related to my research question so this was beneficial mechanism when gathering relevant data.

A research mechanism which I used was the Boolean operator to help me find appropriate literature. Boolean operators utilise the terms: “and”, “or” and “not” to restrict, increase, or narrow searches depending on Boolean logic, which describes how Boolean operators manipulates large sets of data (Barker et al 2011).Boolean operators link keywords and phrases this informs the search engine how to interpret the search, which helps identify the results the researcher is looking for (Barker et al 2011). By utilizing the Boolean operator it helped narrow my search and provided me with the literature which was relevant to my research question. Because at first when I researched I got a lot of hits but a majority if the literature was irrelevant and therefore not required, but by using the boolean operator it allowed me to access specific literature for my research question.

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