Essay editing and proofreading services

You have written an inspiring and original academic paper after spending days or hours looking for quality sources and researching. Did you know that grammatical errors, typos, and spelling mistakes can keep your paper from getting the grades it warrants? Well, you should know.

Essay editing and proofreading are essential parts of academic paper writing that cannot be omitted. We understand that many students can write a great essay but cannot spot any errors in the documents. You do not have to worry because, at, we provide essay editing and proofreading services at affordable rates.

Proofreading and editing services that we offer

At, our professional editors and proofreaders are skilled in different fields and recognized for being experts in their fields. They possess sharp eyes and keen judgment skills to check for details in the assigned work. As a result, we will make your academic work the best through scrupulous insightful proofreading and editing.

We offer essay editing help to doctoral and graduate students in all fields of academics. The length of the paper does not matter. We edit all academic papers using the following procedure:

  1. Structural revision

We identify and try to resolve all structural concerns. We seek to improve your work’s clarity, syntax, and flow. Where necessary, we adjust transitions, revise sentences, and ensure that everything flows in logical order.

  1. Careful proofreading

We review your essay for grammar errors, spelling, and punctuation errors to ensure it reads smoothly.

  1. Revision tracking

We track all the changes made in your essay before sending the final document to you. This allows you to see all the revisions we have made, gain insight into why we made the changes, and make you learn from the experience.

Why seek editing and proofreading services from essay creek. om

  • Professional essay editors and proofreaders

We have a team of skilled and experienced professional proofreaders. We have helped thousands of customers get their desired grades by editing and proofreading their essays. This proves that we provide the best editing and proofreading services globally.

  • Timely delivery

We understand that time is a very important factor for students. As a result, we ensure we deliver all your papers before the deadline. To help us achieve the same, ensure you indicate the deadline carefully while placing an order with us.

  • Unlimited revisions

Though very rare, if you find that your essay was not edited as per instructions or something has been omitted, do not worry. Talk to your proofreader immediately. We will revise your essay as many times as you want until you are fully satisfied.

The best point to note down is that you always will have full control over the corrections made in your document. This is to ensure that we offer the best services exceeding your expectations

  • Privacy and confidentiality

We understand that it is not illegal to seek assignment help. However, we do not share your information with anyone else. We only use your information for paper editing and proofreading your essay.

  • 24/7 customer support system

With our online proofreading and editing services, you are assured that your needs are taken care of at any time. Our professional editors and the customers care team is always available to ensure that any time you tell us to proofread your essay, we attend to you as soon as possible.

  • Safe methods of payment

Who wants to lose their money while paying for a service? No one. At, we accept safe and reliable means of payment. You can use any debit card, credit card, or PayPal to pay for our editing and proofreading online services.

  • Affordable proofreading and editing services

Will you buy a shoe for 100 dollars while getting the same shoe for 50 dollars elsewhere? Definitely no. at, we provide quality essay reading and proofreading services to students at reasonable rates.

Get all kinds of paper editing help under one roof without depleting your pocket. Save money for other activities in school.

How our paper editing services work

  1. Click the order button

Visit our website and click the order button on the top left side of your computer. Enter your name and your email. Create a password that is easy to remember or save on your device. You will need the password while logging in to your account.

  1. Tell us your order details

Upload the document that you want us to edit and proofread. Provide the instructions you want us to follow while editing your essay. This includes the type of English and referencing style, among others.

  1. Pay for your order

Use our safe and reliable methods of payment to pay for your services. You can pay using: a debit card, credit card, and PayPal. To ensure we don’t delay the process, ensure you pay for your services immediately after placing an order and deciding on the best bid.

  1. Follow up on the process

If you need to be updated on the writing process, you can reach out to your writer via WhatsApp chat, chat button on the website, a call, text message, or email. You will be updated on every stage of proofreading and editing.

  1. Download your paper

After editing and proofreading your essay, we will upload it to your website or send it to your email. After receiving a notification, download your paper and check if everything is in line.

If your essay needs more amendments, return the paper to your proofreader. We will revise the paper as many times as you want until you are satisfied.

Get top quality proofreading and editing services

If you are searching for a website that can offer editing and proofreading services online, there is no doubt that you are in the right place. We are the best option when it comes to such services. Having employed the best editors and proofreaders from different countries globally, we are certain that our services will go beyond your expectations.

We intend to meet the growing standard demand for language services from academics. We are dedicated to providing academic proofreading and editing services for undergraduates, masters, and Ph.D. students in all professional documents.

Order essay editing and proofreading services

If you have reached this point, you must be convinced that we are the best editing and proofreading company. Waste no more time. Click here to order essay editing and proofreading services from the best.

Essay Creek is an academic writing service provided to you by, a London-based company.

  • Experience
    Helping students successfully for 11 years.
  • Confidentiality & Security
    Be sure your information will be kept confidential due to our secure service.
  • Quality & Reliability
    8.5 out of 10 average quality score according to our customers' feedback. 97.45% of orders delivered on time.
  • Versatility
    478 active writers in 68 disciplines.
  • 100% money back guarantee
    You can always request a refund if you are not satisfied with the result.

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Our team of writers is comprised of people with necessary academic writing skills and experience in various fields of study.

  • Skilled writers only
    We carefully choose writers to employ, paying attention to their skills and abilities.
  • Competence
    Your order will be assigned to a competent writer who specializes in your field of study.
  • In-depth knowledge
    Our writers know both peculiarities of academic writing and paper formatting rules.
  • Motivation
    We keep updated on results our writers show, motivating them to constantly improve their performance.

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    Our clients' testimonials prove we're doing everything right.

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  • Sample essays
    The best way to understand how well our writers do their work is to view sample essays written by them.

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  • Our Free Essay Tools
    Even more opportunities to improve your academic papers.

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550 words
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The price is based on these factors:

  • Academic level
  • Number of pages
  • Urgency
  • Type of paper needed

Our prices set to the industry average. This allows us to employ writers who meet the high standard demands applied to the US and European writers.

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