Clinical Pharmacy Placement


This placement handbook has been prepared to support your learning during your clinical placement for PY3060B Clinical Pharmacy. It also acts as your diary/log book and should be completed and submitted for assessment. Some sections are required to be signed by the pharmacist supervising you and the case presentation/patient medication review presentation will be marked by the pharmacist.

The handbook should be read in conjunction with the student handbook previously used during the clinical visits to Lewisham, Royal Marsden and St. George’s Hospital. As well as providing guidance on patient management plans, presentations, etc., it also contains the Standards for Professional Conduct which continue to apply, irrespective of whether the clinical placement was organised by yourself or by the University.

Placements will be two week placements in hospital, community or PCT pharmacy. Your placement provider should confirm your start and end date. The first week should be used to collect data for the placement activities. You need to attend every day from 9am – 5pm on the first week of your placement. The next week should be used to complete the handbook, make sure it is signed and retrieve any missing information. The period during which the placements will occur is from Monday 29th March to Friday 16th April. Your placement provider should confirm your start and end date.

You should complete the section for each activity. There are 5 activities in all that you have to carry out during the clinical placement. You must not use the same patient and/or activity for more than one record. Each record must refer to a different patient or activity. In addition to recording the information, you should provide evidence of reflective learning. Reflection is an integral part of the case presentation and Patient Management Plan (PMP) process and is included in the proforma. For the other activities there is a reflective learning sheet to complete. This should be familiar to you as it is similar to the record for your PDP and similar to the RPSGB preregistration records.

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