A Report by the U.N. Population Fund Article

Final Exam

1) Please bear in mind that respectable answers are at least 400 words each. Each answer is to be in your own words. No Plagiarism!!

(2) Although you are allowed to use the Internet for research, you may not cut and paste any material into your answers, regardless of whether you cite them. Any violation of this rule will result in a zero on the exam.

1. By the year 2050, there will be 8.5 billion people in the world, of whom 5.5 billion will be living in urban areas. The article you read in week five (attached) said that a ‘revolution in thinking’ must occur to alleviate this crisis, but what form must this revolution take?  A Report by the U.N. population fund.

2. What are some of the major causes for a lower life expectancy in the Third World than in the First?

3. There are several reasons why foreign aid is not resolving poverty in the Third World. What are some of them and what can be done to correct this problem?

4. From our Webtext and readings, democracy and development do not have to be mutually exclusive. What does this mean?

5. Africa has severe infrastructural problems but also the potential for good growth in the coming decades. Discuss both of these issues.

6. What are some of the most significant problems that developing states face on their road to development?

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