Data and Information Gaps that will exist with Incomplete Records


The due diligence review process for a site will often be incomplete or have limitations. For each of the following, describe the data and information gaps that will exist with incomplete records, and include in the discussion how each deficit can be overcome.

There is uncertainty if the removal of an underground storage tank was completed back in 1980. When in use, the tank contained diesel fuel for the backup generators.

Information about the site does not exist prior to 1958. Site records from the 1940s indicate that munitions were manufactured to support military initiatives during WWII.

Archived historical records for hazardous material are sporadic and incomplete for the period of 1990 to 2000. The available records indicate that a metal plating operation existed in a building that has been decommissioned.

The chemicals used at the site have properties that need special consideration. How will each be addressed in the due diligence assessment:

the chemical is an oil and is insoluble in water (groundwater);

the chemical is known to sorb tightly to soil and remains tightly bound to the organic fraction of the soil; and

the specific gravity of an insoluble chemical is greater than that of water.

Your completed assignment must be two pages in length, and you must use at least two academic resources, one of which may be your textbook. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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