Participating in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

Section 8: Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices – Assessment Tools

Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

Assessment 3: Report (30%)

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Semester/Group Section  
Instructor’s Name  
National code and Unit title MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Elements tested 1, 2 and 3


Result: Demonstrated / Not Yet Demonstrated
Feedback: Action Plan to Develop Skills:


Lecturer’s Signature: Date:
Student’s Signature: Date:


UEE50510 Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering – Stage 2

Section 6: Troubleshoot digital subsystems – Assessment Tools

Qualification Code Qualification Title

Section No.: Unit title – Assessment Tools

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Assessment 3: Report


You have been asked to conduct an examination of a workplace, either one where you work or a workplace with which you are familiar.

You are required to prepare a report on the sustainability of their work practices. You should make suggestions as to how they can improve their efficiency.

Identify one practice, e.g. power usage, water usage, disposal of waste etc and write a report for the manager.

Create a sustainability checklist which can be used by your company to monitor their workplace practices.


Your report should address the following:

1. Background of the organization.

2. Environmental regulations governing the industry.

3. Enterprise plans for implementing improvements in the organization.

4. Reporting procedures for environmental incidents.

5. Recommend improvements.

6. Checklist.


· all work must be word processed in Arial 12 point font with 1.25 spacing.

· your name, student ID and section must be included on the cover page. Points will be deducted for missing sections.

· each page must be numbered

· late submissions will NOT be accepted

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