I’m One ad in terms of ethos, pathos and logos Analysis

Target Audience

Analyze the “I’m One” ad in terms of ethos, pathos and logos. Characterize Archie Anderson. What are his qualities? What suggests these qualities? How is he meant to appeal to the target audience? Who is the target audience? Explain your claims using support from the text.  Also  paraphrase the major arguments Archie Anderson puts forth. (minimum 500 words)

· 500 words

· Original work

· Use simple words

· MLA format

I’m One

If you’re a smoker you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re a non-smoker you may think the current attempts to ban smoking in America have nothing to do with you. But if you give me two minutes, I’ll tell you why I think it’s important that you know what’s going on and how it’s going to affect you.

I choose to smoke. It’s my decision. As an adult in a free country, it’s my right. That doesn’t mean that I believe I have the right to blow smoke in your face. I think smoking and no-smoking sections in restaurants and public places are a good way of keeping everybody happy.

But when it comes to smoking in other places, in my own home, in my car or truck, and with my friends, that’s a different story. That’s my right. You’ve probably now heard about the proposed workplace ban. They want smoking to be banned anywhere where ten or more people visit in a one-week period. This means that smoking will be illegal in almost every workplace in the country unless an incredibly expensive, specially ventilated room is provided. And who can afford that?

Did you know the government also intends for the ban to extend to trucks, vans and even private cars if they’re used by workers? Did you know that your right to smoke at home will be threatened every time a repairman visits, or any other worker?

You may also have heard about the proposed 800% tax increase on cigarettes some congressmen are talking about. That’s discrimination against smokers, nothing less. And it will affect non-smokers too when the bootleggers start to get involved.

There is no question in my mind that the government is seeking an all-out prohibition on cigarettes. And once we’ve let them achieve their goal they’ll be free to pursue other targets. They’ll go for liquor and fast food and buttermilk and who knows what else.

There’s a line of dominoes a mile long.

We can work these issues out together without the government telling us how to do it. If we let it become law then we’ve got a serious problem. Because then people are no longer allowed to work it out themselves. We have to talk.”

The “I” of the first paragraph is identified in the caption of the photograph at the top of the page as Archie Anderson, “a Minnesotan born and bred. In the past he tolerated the attacks made against smokers. But now he wants to speak up.” The piece closes with this paragraph:

This opinion is brought to you in the interests of an informed debate by the R. ]. Reynolds Tobacco Company. We believe that the solution to most smoking issues can be found in accommodation[underlined thus, not in italics], in finding ways in which smokers and non-smokers can coexist peacefully. And we can encourage dialogue and discussion that will help solve the issue without government intervention.

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