Brand Awareness Questions

MKT 310 Responses

Reis Bailey

1) Unbundling actually helps marketers by allowing them to have more brand awareness, customers know what they like and don’t like and this allows them to only pay for the things that they like and not have all the clutter like in the bigger bundles.

2)  One concept is the idea of cable tv unlike network tv users must pay for cable. This allows shows like RFD to be a reality. As people are paying for a bundle it allows for shows of all forms. Another concept is prime time.  Something that gets a prime time spot is the most popular show and this is where the ad cost the most. Every network has a prime time, even RFD. this is most likely where they would but the bigger ads like John Deer or Ram because prime time has the most viewers.

Kelsey Leja

1. “Unbundling” helps marketers use cable channels as a communications tool by making the market smaller. With fewer people having access to these channels, there is a greater percentage of people that have the channel are actually watching the content provided by the channel. This would allow marketers to focus on the specific audiences that watch these channels to advertise to these markets, as people who like watching cooking channels and are willing to pay specifically to watch these channels are way more likely to purchase the cooking-related products that may be advertised on the channel.

2. When many people are watching television, they often perform an action called Zapping, which is the act of flipping to another channel when commercials come on. This can be a huge problem for marketers, as some people would miss many of the advertisements that have been geared towards viewers on a specific channel. With providers like Netflix and Hulu becoming more popular as they provide many of the benefits “unbundling” provides, viewers do not have the option of flipping to different content if a commercial comes on, which allows marketers to get their messages across to more viewers.

In traditional television programming, many advertisements are planned around the types of shows that are being broadcast, in which those are often scheduled by the dayparts of television programming. These dayparts are usually broken up into Daytime, Fringe Time, and Prime Time. Each of these sections has different demographics based on the types of shows that are on during these times, which can be very helpful for marketers trying to figure out when they want to show advertisements for their products and services. With many people “cutting the cord” and having DVRs to record their programs, this concept is no longer as relevant as it once was in the past.

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