Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy.

American Government

The Tidewater Police Department is a small rural department that consists of 22 police officers, 4 detectives, a criminal intelligence analyst and 3 secretaries. The police department has a new Chief of Police that has created and enacted a Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy. About half of the officers have 20+ years of experience and the other half have less than 3 years of experience.

You are a rookie police officer on your first patrol. The older, experienced officer tells you that the restaurant on the corner likes to have the police around, so they always give free meals. Your partner orders steak, potatoes, and all the trimmings which total almost $50.00. What are you going to do?

Conduct an ethical analysis on the situation based on what you’ve learned over the last four weeks. Complete the following essay questions. Each essay question should have a minimum of 4-5 sentences, but may warrant more information for a complete answer.

You can assume that the Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy prohibits employees from accepting gratuities.

American Government II

Should People Be Able To Vote Online?

  • Write a 2 to 3 page, APA style paper, explaining why you believe people should or should not be allowed to vote (either local or national elections) using the Internet.
  • In your paper include a discussion of the opposing position along with your rebuttal (of that opposing position).
  • For instance, if you decided to write a paper explaining that people should be allowed to vote using the internet (and why)–then your rebuttal would be that people should not be allowed to vote using the internet (and why).
  • Note: Explaining means to give details about something: to give an account of something with enough clarity and detail to be understood by somebody else.
  • Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one of your references may be found online (not Wikipedia). The other references must be found in the Grantham University online library. Please see the rubric below.
American Government II

Midterm Exam

Unlike talk show hosts or political bloggers, students in college are asked to exercise “critical thinking,” which means they must clearly and objectively see both sides of an issue in order to effectively argue a position.

Today we often hear of the populist position that size of government must be reduced. Yet we never hear from anyone arguing that government should be larger. For this examination, write an essay of no less than 600 words meeting standard APA requirements, making a case for larger government. Use at least three sources from EBSCO to support your position.

What steps could the Tidewater Police Department’s organizational leaders take to encourage ethical decision making by the rookie officer?
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2. Compare and contrast the different ethical systems and how they would apply to the rookie officer’s moral behavior.
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3. Describe the three principles of ethical decision making this rookie officer will face in this situation.
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4. What are some of the ethical arguments “for” and “against” gratuities that the rookie officer could give when questioned by the Chief?
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5. Explain the difference between discretion and duty; how could each of these be applied to the rookie officer?

Judging Yourself

You are a judge who believes that individuals should be allowed to choose when to die.

You personally had to watch both your parents die long and agonizing deaths because your state does not have a right-to-die statute. Before you is a doctor who is being prosecuted for giving a lethal dose of morphine to a patient dying of terminal cancer. The family of the patient did not want the prosecution, the majority of the public is not in favor of the prosecution, but the prosecutor believes that if there is a law in place, it should be enforced. The doctor has opted for a bench trial.

Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper addressing where you examine your options and defend your position. Please include 2-3 references. Only one reference may be from an internet source (not Wikipedia) the other references must be located in the Grantham University Online Library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the page requirement. Include a title sheet. Please see the rubric below.

Can Early Primary Elections Be A Problem?

Many observers believe that holding so many presidential primary elections at such an early point is a serious problem. How strong is this argument? Can contributions be seen as a form of protected expression? Under what circumstances can contributions be seen instead as a method of bribing elected officials?


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