Language of Research.

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 4
  • Link (video): Simple random, convenience, systematic, cluster, stratified
  • Minimum of 1 library resource for initial post

This discussion is meant to allow you to share your research topic with the class and to get feedback from your fellow students. Also, you need to start to consider what population you are going to sample for your study and how you will reach them, and obtain your data

Initial Post Instructions
For this discussion, post your research topic for the class to consider. You should go into detail about why you chose this topic and how you will develop it into a researchable topic. Finally, include how you are going to sample the population to get the information you need for your study.

Secondary Post Instructions
In your replies to the other students in class provide suggestions on their research topic. Is there any way that the topic could be improved or are there any roadblocks that may come up? Make any suggestions on other ideas that the student may have over looked over or any improvements.

Writing Requirements

  • In addition to one initial post, respond to at least two peers.
  • Initial Post Length: minimum of 250 words
  • Secondary Post Length: minimum of 200 words per post
  • Using APA format, incorporate appropriate in-text citation(s) referring to the academic concept with corresponding references page for the initial post.

Grading and Assessment
Meeting the minimum number of postings does not guarantee an A; you must present an in-depth discussion of high quality, integrate sources to support your assertions, and refer to peers’ comments in your secondary posts to build on concepts.

Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 3, 4, 5
1.  Understand the language of research.
3.  Understand and apply the scientific method to answering research questions.
4.  Design, conduct, analyze, synthesize, prepare a well written APA style research paper and communicate results from a scientifically valid, original empirical research
5.  Develop verbal and written communication skills

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