Religious Values and Principles Ethics

Background Information

For much of our history, decisions were judged as ethical based upon their conformity to religious values and principles. With the rise of secular humanism that started in the 19th century, academics began casting off religious based frameworks in favor of other rational, intellectual based systems (Geisler & Feinberg, 1980). Your textbook presents you with a number of these systems and provides a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of each. Since each system is acknowledged as having its own set of strengths and weaknesses, modern academic ethical decision making involves considering any situation from multiple perspectives, considering what each theory would suggest as the ethical action, and then making the decision that seems to be consistent with the majority of ethical frameworks (Rae & Wong, 2004). As a Christ-centered institution, Indiana Wesleyan University believes that the biblical ethical system is applicable, workable, and preferred to any of these other systems.


Download and review the Chapter 5.ppt .

Read chapter 5 in Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership. As you read, consider the various ethical frameworks that are presented. Think about some ethical challenge you have had in the past and then consider how each of the frameworks would have influenced your behavior in that situation.

Using each of ethical perspectives discussed in the textbook as well as the five biblical principles presented in the first workshop, consider the issue of paying bonuses to executives whose firms are struggling financially.

Download the Four Lens Model of Worldview Development. Using the model, think of four words or phrases for each lens that describe the issue of paying bonuses to executives whose firms are struggling financially through the lens of experience, culture, academics, and spiritual.

Write an 800 to 1000 word research paper that answers the following questions:

Evaluate the ethicality of outsourcing manufacturing work from your local community to a developing country. Select two ethical frameworks for analysis from the various frameworks presented in both textbooks; in addition, use the five biblical principles presented in workshop one as a third framework. .

Use each of the three frameworks to determine a position from the perspective of that framework. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.

Determine a final position on the ethicality of outsourcing manufacturing work from your local community to a developing country based upon your review of the outcomes from each of the three individual outcomes. Defend your position.

Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.

Evaluate the usefulness of having a predetermined ethical framework for coming to a conclusion. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.

Support your positions with at least six references from scholarly sources.

Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting for your analysis paper.

When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the

Dropbox by the end of the workshop (Turnitin will be enabled).
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