Biblical Worldview

Final Document

Part One

  Conflict Style Percentage Results
1. Problem Solver 73
2. Accommodator 36
3. Avoider 67
4. Computer 8
5. Compromiser 73


Part Two

Categories Conflict Style Agree/Disagree (Y/N) Why?
Highest Scoring Problem Solver & Compromiser Agree (Y) I try to find resolution to any conflicts
Lowest Scoring Competer Agree (Y) Compete/Impose is not important for me


Categories Conflict Style Why?
Most Surprising Avoider I try to avoid confrontation as a way to reach meaningful agreements.
Least Surprising Compromiser I like to solve the organization’s conflicts by reaching compromises and agreements.


Part Three – Reflection

This section should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs with 1 paragraph for each Conflict Style listed in Part One. Within each paragraph, provide a good overview of the Conflict Style utilizing at least one in-text citations from your Barsky and/or Journal Article Critiques to support your claims, the strengths and weaknesses of this particular style, and your personal thoughts on the applicability of this style to you.

You may not use any direct quotes unless you are quoting from the Bible. You are required to use correct APA formatting for your writing style and all in-text citations.

Part Four – Biblical Worldview

In Joshua 22, the writer gives an account of the Israelites after they conquered the Promised Land. The eastern tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh were commended and challenged by Joshua. Please read the following verses provided and complete the chart. Identify the verse in parenthesis that supports your response.

Verses How did Joshua commend the eastern tribes in these verses? How did Joshua challenge the eastern tribes in these verses?
Joshua 22:1-8    


When the eastern tribes returned to the other side of the Jordan River, they recognized that the division caused by the Jordan River caused some difficulties and fears for all 12 tribes. Please read the following verses provided and complete the chart. Identify the verse in parenthesis that supports your response.

Verses Who did the Israelites send to confront the eastern tribes? How did these people confront the eastern tribes?
Joshua 22:9-20    


Verses How did the eastern tribes respond to the confrontation? What were the motives for building the altar?
Joshua 22:21-29    



Verses How did the western tribes respond to the eastern tribes’ explanation? What was the resolution to the conflict?
Joshua 22:30-34    



Respond the question utilizing 1 paragraph to explain your thoughts. Include at least 1 biblical citation and 1 citation to support your claims. What does Joshua 22 teach you about dealing with confrontation in a God-honoring manner, taking into account your Conflict Style and what you have learned in this course?

The paragraph should at least be six full sentences. Use correct APA formatting for your writing style and all in-text citations.


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