Through Your Child’s Eyes


Please answer both discussion question in 150 words and all 3 responses in 150 words.

Below you will find the directions for Discussion 1

Background Information: Complete the five simulation activities from “Through Your Child’s Eyes.” Follow the steps below to complete each of the five simulations:

Access “Through Your Child’s Eye” on the Understood website.

· Select “Experience It.”

· Select a grade level that is appropriate to your field of study.

· Complete each of the five simulations presented.

· Select the first simulation, and then select “Continue” to get an overview of the simulation.

· Select “Get Started,” read “Here’s How It Works….” and then select “Continue.”

· Select “Start” when you are ready to begin the simulation activity.

· Repeat Steps 1-7 until all five simulations are completed.

Discussion Question 1:(150 words)

Think about what you experienced when you completed the simulations from the “Through Your Child’s Eyes” study material. Summarize the challenges you faced and what completing the simulations taught you about how dyslexia affect students academically and away from the educational environment. Identify the grade level you selected. ( please select secondary 6-12)

Discussion Question 2(150 words)

Discuss the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities and describe how you can adopt the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective to encourage a classroom culture that respects and values the individual differences displayed by all students, regardless of disability.

Directions for Peer Responses: In replies to peers, discuss commonalities you see in the realizations you had about the effects of dyslexia and share additional examples of the effects of this disability on students in and away from school.

Peer Response 1 (150 words)

Hi Class,

I found the simulator to be rather fascinating and frustrating at the same time. Then I thought about all the children I have worked with and how their learning experiences were for them. What is one way you could help your fellow teacher understand what a student with a disability may be experiencing in the classroom? How can we help others on our campus understand as we advocate for all our students?

Peer Response 2 (150 words)

Cassie wrote: Hello classmates and professor,

In my simulations I chose second grade and found myself frustrated by the end. I started with reading and ended with organization. I found the organization simulation to be the most difficult. It felt like so many things were coming at me at once and no matter what I did I was failing.

This study material has taught me that students who struggle may find themselves frustrated and feel that no matter what they do, they fail. Many of the kids who spoke before the simulation voiced that they were afraid to keep failing so they decided not to try at all.

As teachers, I think the best thing we can do for these students is to encourage them to keep trying and teach them not to be afraid of mistakes, while giving them the tools to succeed.

Peer Response 3

Briana Wrote:

Dr. Gilbert and class,

Students with disabilities face a lot of unique challenges in their daily life. They have some behavioral issues, developmental issues, and learning issues. All of these are hard for students with disabilities because they are not able to sometimes control what they are doing.

Students that have behavioral issues do not always work well with natural or normal discipline. Students have a hard time being able to build relationships with students and teachers because they cannot pick up on social cues that are being shown.

Students that have trouble learning within the classroom get upset and can be aggressive. When they see students understand concepts faster than them they also can become down because they are not catching on.

I think that just explaining and going over how important it is to value everyone in the class, even if they are different. Teaching students that everyone deserves respect and that others may act different ways, but they need to be shown respect just like any other student.

I found this statistic to be interesting. “Of the 2.8 million K–12 students who received out-of-school suspensions in 2013–2014, 700,000 had Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)” (NCLD, 2019). Students that have disabilities are more likely to be the ones getting in trouble and getting suspended according to the National Center for Learning Disabilities.

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