Cybersecurity Issues for Business Travelers

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Per rubric requirements, your critique must provide three or more suggestions which could be incorporated into the short paper to improve or refine it and cite authoritative sources where appropriate in order to receive full credit for the Second Critique Analysis.

This week, you will “shadow” the head of Resort Operations (RO) at a Travel Security meeting attended by the company’s senior managers and executives. The focus of this meeting will be: Cybersecurity Issues for Business Travelers. The company is particularly concerned about potential identity theft and phishing attacks (including “spear phishing” and “whaling”) that could allow hackers to steal login credentials and other information. One of the outcomes of this meeting will be recommendations for improvements and/or changes to the company’s guidance to employees, managers, and executives regarding use of laptops, cell phones, and other mobile devices to access company email and databases while traveling.

Resort Operations is involved in this meeting since the majority of employees who travel on company business work for RO. The head of RO, R. Rose Padgett, has asked you to review the Read Ahead package (see below) and then prepare a position paper for her use during this meeting. Since she, like other executives, is very busy, she has asked you to limit this paper to no more than 2 pages and 5 key points. She has also asked that you list and cite the resources used so that she can have a senior staffer can fact check your work. (APA format citations are preferred.)

Note: a “position” paper is used by staff to inform an executive and assist in preparations for meetings with other executives. The position paper should be written in the third person and usually has three parts:

(a) statement of the issue(s) — clear and concise

(b) the position to be taken on the issues (intentions, beliefs, attitudes)

(c) recommendations which restate key points and provide suggested resolutions or actions.

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