New Data-capture Devices

Paper Section 1:  Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research based on what you have learned from chapters 5 and 6.  This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages.

Paper Section 2:  Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 5 and 6 to descriptively address and answer the problems below.  Important Note :  Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Examine how new data-capture devices such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags help organizations accurately identify and segment their customers for activities such as targeted marketing. Many of these applications involve data mining. Scan the literature and the Web and then propose five potential new data mining applications that can use the data created with RFID technology. What issues could arise if a country’s laws required such devices to be embedded in everyone’s body for a national identification system?
  2. Survey and compare some data mining tools and vendors. Start with and Consult and identify some data mining products and service providers that are not mentioned in this chapter. One of my favorites to explore is Rapid Miner found at and an educational license option can be found at:
  3. Explore the Web sites of several neural network vendors, such as California Scientific Software (, NeuralWare (, and Ward Systems Group (, and review some of their products. Download at least two demos and install, run, and compare them.

Paper Section 3:  Conclusions

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward.  This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4:  APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.

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