Tech Talk Causes lead to the problems and consequences

Introduction and key facts

Causes lead to the problems and consequences:

Tech Talk using Web 2.0 as a base because this electronic publishing industry has potential returns higher than traditional one. However, if the company does not create a strategic plan it could bring the failure in the long run. According to the article, there are few main causes the problems for Tech Talk. First of all, it is the different idea between the two founders of company. Dr. Arshiya Chak wants to create the high-quality content to attract more viewers while in Dr. Aditya Khare wants to use social media to bring Tech Talk to new level as he knows how important the social media affecting individuals as well as communities in the current world- the technology world. Secondly, Khare and Chak recognize that most of the traffic of their company are from search engine only (84%) while other websites can get a lot traffic from social media. Next, they try to increase social media traffic through Twitter and Facebook but not successful as expected. Other problems Tech Talk facing is that the high expenses when they hiring the outsources marketing group to help them generating the traffic. The main reason why they fail in attracting more social media traffic may be because the key performance indicators they used not correct and not measure right the industry.

SWOT Analyses


· Have many articles included various specialized areas which are business analytics, project management, e-commerce, telecommunication technologies and management, general business management frameworks, digital management, etc.

· Tech Talk also provides many case studies that can be used in classroom and workshops

· The content is different than textbooks as it is represented picture and graphic

· Facebook fan page increasing without campaign and attract more young followers

· Tech Talk concerns much on high-quality content of its products


· The most weakness of Tech Talk is that Most of the traffic came from search engines only (while others came from social media)

· Sharing tools in the websites sometimes used

· Tech Talk can improve the traffic by using social media marketing and set the strategic plan for achieving its goals

· On Twitter, Tach Talk’s network topologies uncovered useful patterns for users’ interactions with each other

· If its founders suggest to hiring outsourced social media management, it could facing the high expenses


· If Tech Talk can resolve the problems of lacking social media traffic, it can be known by many people around the world, not just only by India and United States


· As the new start-up company, if Tech Talk invests in digital marketing, it can face the shorten money in operations and high expenses

· However, if Tech Talk not solve the problems in lacking social media traffic, it cannot be competitive with its competitors

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