Declarations and Resolves of the First Continental Congress and the Constitution of the United States of America.  

Please submit ONE of the following assignments 

1/ Two New Englanders

In the document are some excerpts which show the philosophical views of two famous New Englanders, one who was a key figure in the foundations of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the early 17th century and one who was born in this colony in the 18th century. Indicate at least three ways in which their philosophy and outlook differs, and in general what this might suggest about how colonial society had changed between these two centuries. Some categories you might consider include overall cultural attitudes and what they perceive as the proper economic and political order. Your essay should be primarily based upon the documents provided and your assertions should be clearly supported with specific examples or quotes taken from the documents.

Two New EnglandersPreview the documentView in a new window

2/ Revolution and Constitution

Read through the documents: Declarations and Resolves of the First Continental Congress and the Constitution of the United States of America.  I don’t expect you to read every part of the Constitution, but you should have a general idea of how it distributes power, etc.

In a short paper indicate four major grievances that the Colonists expressed in the Declarations and Resolves against the actions of the British government and the extent to which the Constitution and the Bill of Rights addresses these concerns (in other words, does the Constitution and the Bill of Right have specific safeguards against the type of abuses that the colonists suffered at the hands of the British?) Your assertions should be supported with BRIEF quotes taken from the primary source documents. Please refer only to the original Constitution and the first ten amendments (the Bill of Rights), not the amendments that followed. Similarly, confine yourself to the specific grievances addressed in the Declarations and Resolves. The purpose of this exercise is to have you analyze the primary source documents, not do research on the internet.

I would suggest that you pursue directed reading — ie, skim through the Declarations and Resolves trying to identify the key issues that the colonists were concerned about, and then see if you can match those grievances to elements of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Revolution and Constitution DocumentsPreview the documentView in a new window
3/Debate over Women’s Rights

Read the documents which reveal different perspectives on the issue of women’s rights. What are the key arguments against women’s rights given by Dr. Todd? How does Gail Hamilton respond? In your essay you should indicate at least three major points of disagreement between their views. Do you think Hamilton effective refutes Dr. Todd’s arguments? Your essay should be primarily based upon the documents provided and your assertions should be clearly supported with specific examples or quotes taken from the documents.

Debate Over Women’s RightsPreview the documentView in a new window

4/The Debate over Indian Removal

Read the documents which discuss the removal of Native-Americans from the region east of the Mississippi. Compare and contrast the key legal and moral arguments for and against this policy. Overall, which side do you think has a better argument? Your essay should be primarily based upon the documents provided and your assertions should be clearly supported with specific examples or quotes taken from the documents.

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