Medieval Art known as the Bayeux Tapestry.

Analytical Essay  Instructions

Topic: Medieval Evaluation

In this assignment, you will examine a piece of medieval art known as the Bayeux Tapestry. It is embroidery that is over 230 feet long and was created in the eleventh century to commemorate the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is a set of images meant to be read in sequence, something like a medieval comic strip. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate how non-textual artifacts may be used as historical sources. Historians use many written documents, but they can also learn much about the past by studying other items including works of art, household items, weapons and tools, and images.

This assignment has two parts. First, you will examine specific parts of the tapestry; second, you will answer a few questions about the tapestry as a whole. Read through all of the instructions for both parts before you begin. You will submit both completed parts in a single Microsoft Word document. This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.

Part 1

1. Access the images for this assignment through the Analytical Essay 2 Images link in “Syllabus and Assignment Instructions” in Blackboard.

2. Using the List of Images below, examine each of the images carefully and see if you can determine what is being depicted. For each image or group of images, write a short paragraph describing what you see in at least 75 words.

3. You may not be able to identify everything in the image, but you should try to describe it in your own words. Remember, the point is not to demonstrate your expertise in medieval symbolism, but rather to carefully examine the images.

4. Make sure you identify each image by its number. You should write your descriptions in your own words; make sure they accurately reflect what you see in the images. Do not use any other source than your own interpretation of the image(s) and the information below in the list of images.

5. Use only third person pronouns in your description (no first or second person pronouns). Avoid phrases such as “I see,” “in this image,” “you can see,” etc. Just jump right into the description. For example: Men travel on horseback to visit a palace. The palace is portrayed as…..

List of Images:

1. Image 1 – In this scene, Harold is swearing an oath to Duke William of Normandy.

2. Images 2and 3—These two images should be described together. They tell the story of the death of Edward, King of England, and the subsequent coronation of Harold.

3. Images 4and 5—These two images should be described together. They depict the preparations that are made as William plans to sail across the English Channel to invade England.

4. Images 6 and 7—These two images should be described together. They depict what the Normans do as soon as they land in England near Hastings.

5. Image 8—There are many battle scenes in the tapestry. In this scene, both the Normans and the English (Anglo-Saxons) are depicted.

Proofread your work using the Writing Guide.

Check your format against the template to ensure that you have set this up as clearly as possible.

After you have written your descriptions and you have a sense of their context within the larger work, proceed to Part 2.

Part 2

Create a page break in your document to start a new page and answer the following questions about the tapestry as a whole. Do not use any sources other than your textbook and any lectures related to the Battle of Hastings and the Bayeaux Tapestry. Your main source for this section should be your own knowledge and the tapestry images. Do not include any quotations. If you do choose to summarize or paraphrase anything from the textbook or lectures, this information must be properly cited.

1. The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the Battle of Hastings and the events leading to it. How can it be used as a historical source for these events? In what ways might it be considered unreliable?

2. The subject of the tapestry is the Battle of Hastings, but since it was designed and constructed in the eleventh century, it also provides the historian with other information about that era. Based on your study of the images in the tapestry and what you have already learned about medieval society from the textbook readings and the course lectures, describe 3 or 4 other aspects (besides the events depicted or the military aspect) of the medieval world that are illustrated in the tapestry.

Each question should be answered in at least one paragraph.

Each answer should be no fewer than 150 words (total of 300 words in this section).

Before submitting your assignment check for the following:

1. Proofread for grammar and style (see Writing Guide)

2. Make sure that you have used third person pronouns only throughout the entire assignment.

3. Does each answer in Part 2 offer a clear argument?

4. Does each answer in Part 2 evidence analytical thinking and have strong and detailed support?

5. Check your work against the template to make sure that the paper has been formatted properly.

6. If you cited the textbook, include a bibliographic entry for the textbook at the end. You do not need a full page for this. No bibliography is needed for the tapestry or lectures.

7. Make sure the whole paper is in your own words. If you paraphrased or summarized any information from the textbook or lectures, make sure that you used proper parenthetical citations which include page numbers for the textbook.

How to Submit Analytical Essay 

Save your work into a single Microsoft Word document and attach it to the submission link in Blackboard.

Do not type your answers in the comment box. Any information typed into the comment box (other than communication to your professor about the project) will result in points deducted.

Any assignment emailed to the professor (unless specifically instructed to do so) will result in a deduction of points or a late penalty. Point deduction is left up to the professor’s discretion.

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