French monarchy Questions


At the seat of the French monarchy in ___________, an alliance between ________________ and __________________was created as King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette. The king had inherited a financial crisis as France had sent millions of dollars and resources overseas to support the ___________________. Poverty and malnourishment devastated the nation as the population in France continued to increase. Unrest was brewing as King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General to be held in May of __________. Meanwhile, a brilliant orator who will later become a leader of the French Revolution named ____________________ sharpened his debating and political skills. There were three major social groups in France, referred to as “estates.” The three estates were the nobility, the clergy, and the common people known as the _______________. This estate comprised over 95% of the French population. A political and philosophical awakening spearheaded by thinkers such as Voltaire and Rousseau inspired the members of the Third Estate. This transformation, known as _________________, created rising expectations among the French people at the same time that malnourishment and harsh taxes turned them against an inept crown. Politically inspired, the Third Estate demanded popular representation, forming a political body known as the _________________. They demanded that France become a Constitutional Monarchy in which the Third Estate would be more fairly represented politically. After declaring their wishes to reorganize the French government in the “Tennis Court Oaths,” the Third Estate was met with violent repression. Though he recognized the need to compromise politically, Louis XVI soon started a campaign to re-establish power and put an end to the Revolution. The king’s repression incensed the French people, and hundreds of protestors stormed the ______________ on July 14, ______. Later that summer, the National Assembly outlined a basic human rights platform in a document written by the Marquis de Lafayette entitled __________________________. Furious at the monarchy, a group of Parisian women marched to Versailles and demanded that the king and queen return to Paris. The Revolution continued over the next few years, as the king ordered repressive measures against protestors and as factions emerged among the Third Estate. In 1791, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempted to flee Paris but were recaptured and, in ___________, Louis XVI was executed by _______________. Robespierre, who had been a major leader in the Revolution, responded to the chaos in France by handing over power to the ________________ with the goal of returning order. This attempt spiraled out of control as thousands of people suspected to be traitors of the Revolution were executed by guillotine. This chapter of the Revolution is known as the _______________. Toward the end of the Revolution, in __________, Robespierre himself was put to death by guillotine and a more moderate group assumed a leadership role. This transfer from radicalism to a more moderate form of government is known as a ____________________. Overall, the Revolution had transformed France. The era of divine right was over, the monarchy had been eliminated, and basic standards of human rights were established. The next phase of French history started shortly thereafter, as ______________________ took over through a coup in 1799 to become Emperor of France.

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