Failure of Democracy and the Rise of Totalitarianism

Discussion Instructions:

· Please make sure ALL questions are answered

· Minimum of 2 sources cited for EACH discussion

· APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Discussion : Failure of Democracy and the Rise of Totalitarianism

Initial Post Instructions During the 1930s, much of the world seemed to give up on their hope for a democratic solution to their problems and instead turned to totalitarianism, both in Europe and in Asia.

For the initial post, select and address one of the following:

· Germany/Hitler

· USSR/Stalin

· Japan/Tojo

Address the following questions for your selection:

· What effects did the history, politics, and economies of those areas play in their decisions to turn to totalitarianism?

· What role did the Great Depression in the United States play in their plight?

Discussion : World War II

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, select and respond to one of the following options:

· Option 1: Examine one or more major battles, including both the Axis and Allies strategies, the outcome of the battles, and the subsequent effects of the victory/defeat. Include an examination of the technologies that were crucial factors in the battle.

· Option 2: Examine the Nazi ideology in wiping out an entire ethnic group.

· How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians?

· How were the Germans able to construct the facilities they built for their “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” so as to commit genocide on an industrial scale?

Discussion : The Cold War

Instructions Select one of the following smaller nations:

· Korea

· Vietnam

· Cambodia

· Cuba

· Another smaller nation of your choice with instructor approval

For the initial post, address the following in relation to your selection:

· Examine how Cold War policy by the main players affected the smaller nation.

· Examine why democracy was not successful in that nation.

· Describe the loss of personal liberties that were a result of democracy failing.

· Has the nation’s political system changed since the Cold War? Explain.

Discussion : Epic changes in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

Instructions For the initial post, address one of the following:

Option 1: Middle East Examine the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict from its beginnings some 4000 years ago and how it has evolved/devolved over the centuries to the current time? Analyze the role of the Balfour Declaration on Israel’s rebirth in 1948 and its effectiveness in helping Jewish people in their quest to reclaim their ancient homeland.

Option 2: African Nation State Development Examine some of the main (internal or external) reasons why the African people were to develop into nation states later than most experts feel was appropriate/normal. Examine the role of European imperial powers and the role of tribal chieftans in the international slave trade and African nation state development.

Discussion : Cold War and Communism

Instructions For the initial post, address one of the following:

Option 1: Examine the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s. Include the following in your discussion:

· What were the main reasons for the collapse?

· What role did the constant state of militarism and the costs of keeping up with the U.S. military buildup have on the Soviet economy?

· What role did uprisings and rebellions in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East Germany (among others) have on the sudden collapse of the USSR?

Option 2: Examine communism and socialism.

· We hear so often today that socialism and communism are the same thing. Examine the similarities and differences between the two.

· Why do so many Americans seem to hate even the word “socialism”?

· We already employ some socialism in this country today (and for the past several decades). Examples include libraries, police departments, public education, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, public parks, roads/highways, and so on. How do these services factor into arguments for or against socialism?

Discussion : Brave New World

Introduction The Cold War ended over a decade before the 21st century began. What was supposed to be a “Brave New World” free of the threat of nuclear conflict and a long period of peace and prosperity has been less than what was expected. Yes, communism as a threat to the world and to the dominance of the United States and capitalism has come to pass, but even though the threat of war from the USSR never materialized (thankfully) a new threat did rise up to challenge the U.S. and the West for control. The rise of radical Islamic groups bent on destroying those they call infidels, especially the United States and Western Europe have caused more than a little death, destruction, and despair to a world hoping those threats had ended.

Instructions For the initial post, address one of the following:

· Option 1: Why wasn’t the U.S. and its vastly superior intelligence and military able to stop these attacks? How effective are current measures in dealing with attack prevention? Have we really learned from past mistakes?

· Option 2: What new problems did the Iraqi War cause for the U.S. and its allies around the world? What effects has it had on the U.S. economy?

· Option 3: How much more difficult is it to battle an idea or faith, even a violent one, skewed and brutal than to defeat a nation in war like the U.S. and its allies did during World War II? Consider the role technology plays in the dissemination of faith.

· Option 4: Compare European imperialism to current globalism. How has each changed society, both in industrialized nations and developing nations? Is the claim that globalism is a form of imperialism valid?

· Option 5: Where do we go from here? Who will the best friends and the worst enemies of the United States be in the coming decades? Will we really, finally achieve that peace and prosperity we all hoped would come to pass?

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