2010 BA MOD 1 HW

2010 BA MOD 1 HW

BA 2010 Online

Module 1 Management Concepts Assessment

Chapter 1


For this MCA, you will be preparing a paper which responds to questions about this module’s topics. To assist you, we have prepared a template for you to use. This will help you to organize your paper. Follow the instructions below and please ask your professor if you have any questions.




1. Download the Module 1 MCA Paper Template (in the Module 1 Management Concepts Assessment in Blackboard). You will use this document for your paper.

2. Open the document in Word, and click Save As to place your name in the beginning of the filename.

3. Type your name in the cover sheet.

4. Type the date submitted (example: October 1, 2021).

5. For each heading in the template (example: Chapter 1 – Managing and Performing), you will see an area to type the responses to questions on this instructions sheet.

6. Additional guidance:

· Your paper should follow APA format, and should be  in your own words. Any content you take from a source must be inside quotation marks and must be cited in-text (author, date).

· In APA formatting, you are not permitted to use “I.” Instead, you must be an independent researcher. Say, “the organization” or “the salesperson,” not “I would.”

7. You should list the references you used to develop your paper.


9. The questions for this paper on the following page.



Complete the following question(s) and type your answers into the Module 1 MCA Paper Template:


Chapter 1 – Managing and Performing


Please review the following interview with the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos:

Consider the various roles managers play as presented in the textbook. Using these roles (informational, interpersonal, and decisional) and their subsets, explain how Jeff Bezos is effective or ineffective as a manager. Provide examples.


Considering the levels within the management hierarchy, where does Jeff Bezos currently belong? At this level of management, what are Jeff Bezos’ responsibilities?


In the text, and as shown in Exhibit 1.6, human relations, or people skills, remain important for all levels of management. Why do you think this is the case? Would it be possible for a manager to be effective without having people skills?


APA Resources



Free Grammar and Spelling Software that integrates into MS Word and other programs (highly recommended)







BA 2010 Principles of Management 1




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